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Manuel Magrinho
80 articles

Panzer KampfWagen VI Tiger II "Konigs Tiger"

October 13, 2021 · in Armor · · 14 · 1.6K

I've start building the 1975 rebox kit (code MM157) of the in the late 1980's and, due to bad tracks, shelfed it until this spring. Back then, can't precise when, I've bought a (plastic) separate tracks links for this kit which, however, remained boxed until now.
During the building process, in the 1980's, I'd covered the hull with ‘zimmerit' and kept it untouched.
With the kit almost built, it only remained the paint task and figure assembling and painting.
Following that, the main course was, of course, painting the tracks. Some Youtube tutorials helped with that.
Figures are from the kit, accessories from the scrap box and bushes made from wire and railway model scenes.
Although vehicles and figures are both not my field of action, I enjoyed every minute of this build.

Yes, it's not perfect, but I enjoyed.

Hope you like it too.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. From the pictures I would call this build perfect, Manuel @magrus
    Camouflage and weathering looks amazing, a real Konig.

  2. Looks great, Manuel. That’s quite a gestation period for this project!

    • Thanks John! Yes, it was 😉 I have/had several half-built projects since the 1980's when I stopped before returning a few years ago... let's see if I can finish all of them sooner than later

  3. Came out reeeeealy great, my friend Manuel!
    Isn't it great to step out of your comfort modeling zone once a while and come up with such beautiful results?

  4. Well done, great job on that old beast. Shows the older Tamiya kits can still turn out nice models

  5. Beautiful work, I can just see this beast popping out of some hedgerow, ready to start blasting. Great work and finish.

  6. The kit might not be perfect, but the model is - the result of the modeler.

  7. Well done! Looks great.

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