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October 21, 2021 · in Armor · · 10 · 3.6K

I have assembled 's Mk.2D.
Compared to their previous products, this kit is much easier to assemble, and I think it has become a good kit.
There were no difficulties in assembling the parts, except that the parting lines and hammering pins are essential.

The paint was modulation finish based on Mr. Color's IDF gray.
Powdered sugar, a Tamiya deco sweet material, was used to prevent body from slipping.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Awesome results, Dagored @dagored
    The painting and weathering on this one is exceptional.

  2. Indeed exceptional result, Dagored!

  3. That's a very nice Merkava. I have to say that the 2D is my favorite version of this tank. Low slung and menacing, and somehow sporty looking as well. Well, as far as a tank can look sporty anyway.

  4. Beautiful. Theres just something about a Merkava looks wise other modern tanks dont have. Great job

  5. So so well done - I love the paint modulation on it - you need to do some tutorials for us beginners. excellent work.

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