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Alistair Gauld
118 articles

Airfix 1/72 Mustang P-51DGlamourous Glen III

November 24, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 1.2K

A bit of a trial this one.
My first attempt ended as a blob of plastic after attempting the butterfly stroke in a pool of cellulose thinners.
6 months later I came round to the second attempt.
I used the Barracudacals Decal set for this and they were wonderful.
They went down beautifully and settled in with the slightest of encouragement.

Primed with Tamiya Neutral Grey,
Painted with ColourCoats Zinc Chromate Green, Insignia Red and FAA/RAF Yellow
Tamiya LP-1 Gloss Black, Xtreme Metals Polished Aluminium, Aluminium and Alclad High Speed Silver.
Tamiya Nato Black, Red Brown, Khaki, Rubber Black and Olive Drab

So, here it is with the famous wonky leg, which has now been straightened and a toothpick aerial as the kit one disintegrated during clean-up.
Thanks for looking,

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. I think the Airfix 1/72 P-51D is the best small Mustang kit out there.

  2. Very nice build, it looks really nice and I second on what Tom said.

  3. Great build, Alistair @alistairfgauld
    If you wouldn't have told that the antenna is a toothpick, I wouldn't have noticed.

  4. Great job as usual, Alistair!

  5. looks very very good! I Metal Finish is pritty! suggest some light weathering by Modelers World Oil Wash 🙂 Did you paint D-Day markings?

    • Thanks Lis,
      The Invasion stripes were decals. I'd painted them on the first attempt but as the new kit came with decals I used them.
      I thought about a wash but as there is no clear coat on I didn't want to ruin things.


  6. Great job, Alistair. This is really a beautiful little horse.

  7. Nice work Alistair !

  8. That's a very nice looking Mustang. Good work!

  9. Great-looking Mustang - well done!

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