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David G LANE
123 articles

Fokker D.VII Gotthard Sachsenberg MFJGr 1, Oct 1918

November 28, 2021 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.8K

Wingnut Wings 1:32
Model Kasten rigging with Gaspatch turnbuckles
Tamiya, Alcald II, Oil and printers inks
Prop : oils over acrylic

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 1 

28 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. A truly amazing result, David, per your usual excellent standards.
    Definitely looking 1:1!

  2. Outstanding work!

  3. I hope to see these WNW molds used again soon. Great build!

  4. An impressive build, David @mentaldental
    Fantastic scheme and great details.
    Well done.

  5. Excellent work, David. These machines from the First World War have their great charm.

  6. Gorgeous looking Fokker, from front to end.

  7. Stunning! I can practically smell the fuel and oil.

  8. Glad you enjoyed gents ?
    Now, onto a Junkers J.I

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  9. Does WNW still exist!? The web page is still up...

  10. @mentaldental - with the J-1 kit, be advised the ailerons don't fit the wing. The easy way out of that (which no one will notice since no one knows much about the airplane) is to take the cut out of the "elephant's ear" so the inner end of the aileron "fits" to the wing. (I learned this one the hard way) This is WNW's first kit, and they were lower on the learning curve than they were later.

    The Sachsenberg airplane is really nice. His nephew, Heinz Sachsenberg followed his uncle's footsteps as a fighter pilot (104 victories on the Eastern Front") and the commander of the Galland Circus "Parrot Flight."

    • Hi Tom,
      I built the missing bit from plastic card and used Magic Sculp to give the corrugations. The extra length to the hing protection frill was extended the same way as I've seen that should reach across as well ?

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  11. The perfect example why I should not spend my money on a WnW kit (yeah, I know, now it is too late anyway). I leave to the experts to build these! Looks really nice, I wish I could make such nice looking biplanes.

  12. Spectacular scheme and fabulous build! Very eye catching!

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