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Curt Cayemberg
9 articles

Fujimi A-7B Corsair-II, 1/72

December 18, 2021 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.4K

Built as part of our local clubs group build to remember/honor the sacrifices of those who served in the Vietnam War. Nice kit for its age and I certainly had fun building this Corsair!

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. A nice old kit, you've done it justice for sure. Splendid outcome

  2. Sweet, I don't think Fujimi messed up on the nose intake like Trumpeter and HobbyBoss. There are older kits that still hold water and look pretty good. Some strong work Curt.

    Two thumbs up.

  3. Nicely done Curt. Looks like you did a fine job with that old kit with very good detail work.

  4. Superb result, Curt @CRCsquad
    Hard to believe this is 1/72, it looks much bigger

  5. Nice job, Curt. I'm sure anyone who flew one would be proud to own that tribute.

  6. Very well done model.

  7. Nice, looks great!

  8. An excellent SLUF, Curt. Always love seeing the older Fujimi kits being displayed so well.
    VA-56 had some nice tail colours.

  9. Excellent build of this sweet oldie, Curt!

  10. The colour scheme on this looks great.

  11. Great looking Corsair II ... very nice work !

  12. Well done. A-7 was a great plane. It was the only US aircraft program since WW2 to come in early and under budget.

  13. Thank you all for the wonderful comments?

  14. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    One of my favorite aircrafts, and good to see in model collections.
    Nice representation Curt !

  15. That came out fantastic! Well done.

  16. Nicely done Curt.

  17. Really nicely done Curt, beautiful build.

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