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Rob Anderson
204 articles

1971 white box Monogram FW-190

February 26, 2022 · in Uncategorized · · 14 · 1.3K

Not much to say, got it very very close to right 50 years ago. Some aftermarket decals to make up for ones that were questionable on the original sheet. They were not exact, but close. The tail victory markings are from the original sheet. I bought this 1971 white box, still in the wrap with the original price tag on it!

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20  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Excellent work on this beautiful antique kit. Looks very nice !

  2. Excellent result on this sweet oldie, Rob!

  3. Amazing result on this oldie, Rob @robertandy
    I'm wondering what the price was at that time.

  4. Nice Rob, that old dog can obviously still hunt. My guess is you paid less than $2.00 for it?

  5. Great job, looks great! Yes Monogram got it close to right on many of their kits.

  6. Excellent job on a Monogram classic. Their FW-190 was a serious step forward for the plastic modeling industry.

  7. I must have built ten of those as a kid. By far my favorite kit. I still have a couple in my stash!

  8. Thanks again for the kind comments, I forgot to mention the long cannons were not supposed to be on the version I chose, but I let my inner 11 year old (1971) speak to me. When I first built this kit back then I paid no attention to anything other than wanting it to look "cool" so that is what I did here! They are awesome!

  9. Very nice! Love the old kits...

  10. Very nice build. It's one of my favorite Monogram kits. I especially like the instructions from the early releases.

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