Me-108 Taifun - 1/72

March 7, 2022 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.5K

I built this model to attend GB about Conflicts in our local model club, focused in Tripoli, Libya, January 1942.

The kit was originally released around the early 70s. Parts are still sharply molded and fit together reasonably well, although the details are below modern kits.

I added just some very simple details such as, improvings on the undercarriage legs, brake oil hoses, seat -belts and exhausts. Main painting in Model Master Acrylics (RLMs), PU clear varnish and weathering in oils. I printed the color scheme in the correct scale for airbrush training, before painting the model.

The excellent instructions sheet of the Me-108 1/32 scale by Eduard.
General information about the real plane available on the internet.

Finally, a lot of fun with this small model.

PS: I apologize for the bad photos.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Fantastic build of the sweet Heller kit, Roberto!
    Great improvements!

  2. Great looking interior and equally great camo work and mods, Roberto.
    I also like your display bases and labelling.

  3. Superb build, Roberto @boblucio
    Very nice paintwork and beautiful base.

  4. Very nice. It's the best build of this kit I've seen. Some of Heller's kits are really good. I have their Hurricane Mk IIC on the bench right now. Well done sir.

  5. Looks great - paint and weathering work are perfect for 1/72.

  6. Lovely build of this interesting little aircraft, great finish Roberto.
    Can anyone remember if this was the type stolen by James Garner and Donald Pleasance in the movie "The Great Escape" ?

    • Thank you Neil, for your comment.
      That plane of The Great Escape movie was a Bucker Bu-181, right?

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  7. Great work, Roberto! I have a weakness for Heller kits. Nice to see them built.

  8. Very nice work Roberto. Your 108 looks great, one of my favorite schemes.

  9. Looks great, something different.

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