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1/32 GWH Curtiss Hawk 81 “Flying Tigers”

May 18, 2022 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.6K

Here is my GWH Curtiss with the markings of Flying Tigers AVG from 1st Pursuit.

Built by OOB except for the Eduard seat belts, Barracudacast main wheels and Cutting Edge national insignias

Paints are Gunze acrylics.

Happy Modelling

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

28 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Perfect build, Tolga @tolgaul
    Your excellent modelling skills are clearly shown in this Hawk.
    Amazing details on the cockpit as well.

  2. Nicely done, Tolga!

  3. Another Tolga masterpiece!

  4. Wonderful work, Tolga, with special applause for the interior.

  5. Very nice Flying Tiger.

  6. Excellent as usual Tolga. I’ve read that GWH’s first venture in 32nd scale has delivered an outstanding kit here. What is your overall opinion?

    • Thanks Eric.

      The kit is really great. Exactly best early P-40 ever produced. Fitting is excellent.

      There are some minor points.

      All tyres are vinyl.

      PE parts are too thin and deformable

      And rear cockpit side windows are clear separate parts.

      No matter how careful it is, the traces are evident in the areas where it joins the fuselage. However, if these parts were designed as larger transparent parts, as in Hasegawa P-40s, or if the whole rear fuselage was transparent, the result would be much better.

  7. Another beauty Tolga!

  8. The 64.00 Dollar /Euro/Pound question is it accurate and has GWH answered all of the many shape issues that plagued other P-40 kits? From the photos it looks like the cockpit has a curved floor in the cockpit. The resin wheels look to be scale, the leading edge of the wing is straight and not bent backwards. The nose spinner look to be pretty good and the front half of the fuselage housing the engine and radiators isn't too deep like Trumpeters efforts. For many naysayers the Nun's hat directly behind the radiator/cowling flaps is not up to snuff for the Airfix's example.

    It looks like a P-40 to me and Tolga you have done another strong piece of work in representing this icon. Especially in the representing the British/Dupont version of the browns.

    Two thumbs up.

    • Thank you Stephen
      As I mentioned above (in Eric s reply) for my opinion this is the best early P-40 ever produced.
      Fitting is superb
      Despite a few small details that I don't like, it is really successful.
      I have attached some work in progress photos.

      11 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  9. Beautiful build, Tolga. Really nice OOB cockpit and superb airbrush work. I like your approach to weathering - clearly evident but nicely restrained, as always.

    I have a couple of detail questions, if you don't mind: How did you do the chipping at the wing root? What specific Gunze paints did you use for the camo colors?

    • Thanks Colin
      I have used silver pencil for the chipping at the wing root ( This is the only method I've been able to use for now.)
      Upper surfaces are Gunze RAF Dark Green(H330) and RAF Dark Earth-H72 (with some drops of red)
      I have used a mix of Tamiya acrylics ( XF12 and XF19) for Dupont sky under surfaces. ( I forgot to mention Tamiya paint above )

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