Had to smash the like button. The farmers that I know hold on too everything . . . or they recycle things and put things to good use. Tractors can run for ever as long as you have parts. That's when the dealer has them over the barrel if the parts are hard to find. Another great Dio Charles. The natural light and the forced perspective add to the feeling of what one sees on a farm.
Looking superb, my friend Charles! Looks even better at the outside photos.
Thank you my friend.
Had to smash the like button. The farmers that I know hold on too everything . . . or they recycle things and put things to good use. Tractors can run for ever as long as you have parts. That's when the dealer has them over the barrel if the parts are hard to find. Another great Dio Charles. The natural light and the forced perspective add to the feeling of what one sees on a farm.
Two thumbs up.
100% about the farmers. Even junk collectors over here are famous for that over on this end.
That MF tractor looks like it needs some TLC.
Most definitely.
Would like to take up the challenge? 
Another excellent diorama, Charles @tiking
Glad you liked it John.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Thank you Alex.
@tiking WOW! You sure you didnt go out and take photos of 1/1 places:). Excellent work
HeHe! A skrinking gun would have been perfect.