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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

1/48 Supermarine Walrus Mk. I

September 22, 2022 · in Aviation · · 23 · 1.4K

Up until came with their 1/48th scale , ' was the best option in that scale. The latter, a limited run kit is work intensive by its nature. Moreover, it is a biplane with complex wing parts assembly and rigging on top. The additional resin parts are mostly for the unseen interior and complicate the building process.

The Airfix Walrus is superior in every aspect and even has the wing fold option. Yet, it is a biplane model and the building process is far from a walk in the park.

I built the Classic Airframes model long before Airfix conceived their version. Having completed the first kit, I could not resist the wing fold option.

Reader reactions:
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11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. All of them are superb, Rafi! Modeling at its best!

  2. Thank you kindly Spiros

  3. Great work on both, but to me the result on the Classic kit is really outstanding.

  4. Excellent work, Rafi! Your CA Walrus is outstanding as well. I loved the Airfix kit. It’s actually my favorite model of all time.

  5. That's one I'll probably have to get just because it's such an unusual subject. Plus I have a thing for '30s biplanes.

  6. Very nice looking Walrusses, Rafi @blackmopane
    Beautiful details.
    I did build the Airfix one, but this Classic Airframes looks great as well.

  7. Nice work on all. Having done a CA kit and being about halfway done (need to pull this off the SOD, don't know how it got there) on an Airfix kit, I much prefer the Airfix kit, since everything isn't a battle to finish.

  8. Excellent builds. The painting and weathering is outstanding.

  9. They look great, reminds me of The Beatles’ song, can’t get better praise than that.

  10. I remember doing the 1/72 kit as a kid! No rigging. That's a lovely job.

  11. And here is an example...

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  12. A great-looking pair! Well done.

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