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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Curtis Hawk 81

October 5, 2022 · in Aviation · · 13 · 0.8K

A nice little Flying Tiger from . The soft plastic made the removal of the small bits from the tree a bit tricky. But with extra care I had no mishaps. On the other hand, as careful as I tried to be, I still ended up breaking off two of the molded-on machine guns. So, I had to scratch up some new ones.

The decals in these new Airfix kits are excellent. They went on and conformed well with Microset.

I decided to go old-school in this one and paint it entirely by hand. Well, except for the gloss and flat coats. I used Vallejo colors Khaki Brown and Dark Green for the top and Tamiya Sky Grey on the bottom. And, for the first time, I was successful using an oil wash of burnt sienna and then wiping it off over the entire plane.

I was pleasantly surprised with this one.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Turned out very well. Your brush painting looks nice.

  2. What a beautiful model! Your brushwork is very nice. I love these small Airfix kits - the Zero and the Hurricane are other great kits from them.

  3. A beautiful model and FANTASTIC painting skills, Scott!

  4. Nice work on this little dude,Scott. Nice steady hand paintwork too, prob the only time having a Tiger by Tail is a good thing.
    I’m also impress with this kit, especially considering I was able to find it during the last year for a mere $12CDN

  5. Excellent example of this 1/72 Airfix model.

  6. Amazing work, Scott @guitarhack5
    Especially on this tiny scale, the brush painted camouflage looks great.

  7. Very nicely brushed. Airfix did a nice little Hawk.

  8. Very nice work, I think hand brushing the paint scheme came out great! Awesome looking Flying Tiger...

  9. Good things come in small packages at a reasonable price. A real jewel Scott.

    Two thumbs up.

  10. Well done, Scott (@guitarhack5), especially the brush-painted camo. These new Airfix kits are really nice. I like using oil washes for panel lines and weathering, and it looks like you have it all figured out.

  11. Nice work, Scott. The paint job is great. The wash effect turned out well. I've always had difficulty with that method myself. Great looking historical plane!

  12. Nice work, Scott! Well done brush painting like yours works great for these hard edge schemes.

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