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Bruce Archer
25 articles

Models I had to work at

The Spitfires I posted were modern well-detailed kits that fit together nicely. So I decided to post some of my more trying kits this time.

FM-2- This is the Sword kit. Thank god for spares boxes. This kit decided to fight me from the moment I opened the box. The aircraft is from USS Petroff Bay

P-43- This is the kit. I was given this kit because the friend who had it realized it was beyond him. He had it for a couple of years and I had it for 15 years, so there were no surprises there were parts missing. Parts such as the engine and inside the cowl, tail wheel, and interior bits were scrounged from the spares box.

P-51H- This is the Classic Airframes kit. Since I do not like building silver airplanes this scheme was a shoe-in. It was a PA ANG target tug. What color is it? No one really knows. A mechanic that has been with the PAANG said they went to an Auto paint store and said we like that one.

Irish Seafire L.III- this is the combination of the fuselage and wings, which fit pretty well

P-61C- This is one of my favorite models. It is a P-61C of the “All Weather Flying Service” for Thunderstorm research. It is the kit with a LOT of parts. The Hobby Boss kit is easier to assemble, but not as detailed as the Monogram P-61A/B

Thanks for looking


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8 responses

  1. Thanks for reminding me that I am soooo happy to have survived the two - two! - CA P-51H kits I built; I have no surprise you would choose a scheme like that, and thank goodness for Modelsvit. And for Eduard coming to our rescue next year with an FM-2, that Sword kit defeated me - congratulations to you for perseverance, stubbornness and talent. As to the P-43, again thank you Dora Wings! The Seafire L.III is creative in inspiration and exceptional in result. The P-61 looks superb.

  2. These are really cool builds, Bruce!
    Great save on the P-43.
    Love them all!

  3. All equally beautiful, Bruce @rbrucearcher
    Although they were trying kits, you did present some great builds.

  4. Nice set of builds - I really like the P-61. Well done!

  5. They all four look great.

  6. Wonderful looking builds. Perseverance rewards !

  7. Great builds! I've done two Sword kits, the two seat F9F Couger and the COD TBM Avenger, both had some quirks.

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