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Dennis Meyers
106 articles

Facing Challenges

November 17, 2022 · in Aviation · · 9 · 0.7K

I've heard that there is no such thing as a bad model kit. There are just good kits and challenging kits. I recently built a couple of challenging kits of historically notable aircraft-- Ghost of Kyiv and P6E Hawk. Given their scale and limited parts counts, I thought they would both be quick projects. However, both ended up taking longer than expected. Despite the challenges--fit issues, unclear instructions, and complex decals--it was a great experience overcoming their shortcomings. While the finished products are not ideal, they are still great additions to my collection.

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12  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Fantastic result on both, Dennis! Especially finishing a CA kit is an accomplishment by itself!
    Well done!

  2. Those CA Hawk kits - the P-6E, the F11C-2 - were the most difficult Classic Airframes kits i ever did, and when you consider CA's history with "difficult kits", that' saying something. So the fact I am here to tell you you did a great job on this P-6E, well, you really have a victory here of talent and skill over plastic.

    The decal work on the MiG-29 looks super.

  3. Absolutely amazing results, Dennis @dmeyers
    Challenging kits like these give you a lot more satisfaction when you have completed them to be honest.

  4. Both look great, Dennis (@dmeyers). Well done completing these Classic Airframe kits. I have never tossed a kit in the garbage while I was building it, but it was a Classic Airframe kit that nearly hit the circular file. I have since taken all of my CA kits and sold them on consignment at my local hobby shop. My blood pressure has been fine since I said goodbye to them. Especially great perseverance completing a biplane.

  5. They both look great! I just finished an ICM kit - I will try to avoid most of those in the future...

  6. Nice work on both! They are about 100 years apart in technology.

  7. Love the yellow wings project! Great job battling through both of these models!

  8. Great job on both builds, the MiG 29 came out great, but the Curtiss Hawk build is a classic! They must look great with your other collections.

  9. Well done Dennis, the Hawk IMHO is the finest looking bi-plane to ever fly. Glad you conquered the kit so we could all see your fine work.

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