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Max Williams
8 articles

Avro Anson (Airfix 1/48 scale)

December 5, 2022 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1K

have recently produced a new tool scale Avro

My father, as a staff pilot at No. 24 Bombing, Gunnery and Navigation School based at Moffat in Southern Rhodesia flew Ansons on a daily basis

but sadly only took one photograph of one

though as a budding watercolour artist he painted this

I have previously made two Ansons in this scale, both produced by Classic Airframes about 15 years ago or so. They are a mixture of plastic and resin, and universally regarded as challenging kits

which look ok, but I am keen to see how the modern Airfix kit compares!

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12 responses

  1. Your Anson is a real gem, Max (@maxw). I know this kit wasn't easy to build, but you have certainly made it shine. What great memorabilia to have to go along with the model, especially the logbook. My logbook looks like chicken scratches, it is amazing how neatly people used to write in things like this. I have the Airfix version, and the contents look amazing. I need to clear a few more things off the workbench before it gets a chance to fly.

    • I look forward to seeing you build the Anson, George @gblair. The plane is beautiful and the kit looks great. I have seen a few builds on youtube and hopefully it will be available in Switzerland soon.

  2. I placed a order for the Airfix Anson and have the later version of Classic's Anson. After examining the Classic kit for the umpteenth time I can say with confidence that this kit has more than "some modeling skill required." The cockpit/fuselage framing is in resin and my version is filled with flash. I believe I will have to open a Surgery with a suitable operating table with the proper lighting with several shot glasses close at hand.
    Some of the materials on the net showing the Airfix kit show a more suitable project for my skill level, with "Snicker Candy bar sized fingers and super powers that allow me to shoot parts across the room and bend plastic parts with reckless abandon.

    Max your two builds are inspirational and bring to light an aircraft type that often gets over looked but, played an important role in training pilots and crews. Some strong modeling skill and painting can be seen in the photo's. Looking forward to seeing your efforts with the Airfix kit. Some of the comments about this kit have stated that its one of Airfixes better efforts.

    Two thumbs up on the Classic's.

  3. Yes, in my experience the CA kit is very "challenging." You certainly more than met that challenge successfully, and doing it twice is proof it wasn't a fluke.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the new Airfix kit. I'm fine with reducing the challenges these days.

  4. Both Ansons are wonderfully made, Max! Looking forward to see your Airfix one tackled!

  5. Your Ansons do look excellent, Max @maxw
    Flightlog of your dad looks very impressive with even several flights per day.
    Looking forward to the Airfix build.

  6. Nice models, Max. I was posted to RAF Upavon in the late 1960s, HQ of Air Support Command (previously known as Transport Command), the AOC in C had an Anson as his personal transport, it must have been one of the last in service.

  7. Thank you all for your comments and thoughts chaps. Stephen, the flash on the resin framing clears off very easily but if there’s warping that can cause a few problems!

  8. Max: Your CA Avros look great. They’re not an easy build but I thought they were one of CA’s better efforts. I might replace mine with the new Airfix kit. Can’t wait to hear what other iModelers think of it. Thanks for including your Dad’s logs and photo.

  9. Great looking Ansons! I didn't recall that there was a turret mounted on that aircraft! Now I need one in my stash...

    • It’s rarer to see one that hasn’t got a turret Greg!

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