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Max Williams
8 articles

Hawker Fury (Alley Cat) 1/32 scale

December 31, 2022 · in Aviation · · 12 · 573

Managed to finish this one yesterday, very poor light so just the one pic a the moment.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

12 responses

  1. Congratulations on your superlative build, Max!
    Happy 2023!

  2. Thanks Spiros @fiveten, another one bites the dust!

  3. Great looking biplane, Max (@maxw). Aren't Alley Cat kits all resin? Have a great New Year.

  4. That's beautiful looking Max @maxw! Superlative rigging and hardware.

  5. Well the one pic looks great. Furious!

  6. I think one picture says it all, Max, but more would be nice, great Fury.

  7. very nice painting

  8. Looks good from the single pic!

  9. Managed to get some half decent pics yesterday:

    7 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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