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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Fairey FD2 from FROG

January 11, 2023 · in Aviation · · 14 · 0.8K

This is ancient Fairey FD 2. I believe this pop of the kit is older than me! And I'm old! A friend running a vendor table at a local contest added this in for free to the Academy Corsair I was buying from him. A very simple model from a simpler time and it was a very enjoyable build.

The markings are not quite accurate as the original decals (from 1957?) were stuck to the wax paper that was originally covering them and useless. They surely would have been no good even if they'd not been stuck. So, I had to scrounge in the decal spares to come up with something close. And they're close but not exact.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Very cool, that box definitely looks old. The one page instructions... fantastic. Nice build!

  2. Looks like something from a Buck Rogers cartoon in shape! Nicely done. Sometimes those old simple kits are a nice break from complicated builds...

  3. Nice job on a very unique subject.

  4. Beautiful build, a definite blast from the past!

  5. Great build and nicely done. A unique build that most modelers do not have.

  6. Nicely built and finished, Scott, I have fond memories of Frog kits from my early teens, they seemed to fill in the gaps left by Airfix.

  7. An amazing result out of the elderly FROG kit, Scott! A rare subject, looking absolutely cool!

  8. 1957? Wow! Nice work on this old fossil.

  9. Great work on a vintage kit. Fantastic metal finish. Very unusual and picturesque aircraft. Are those engraved panel lines? Pretty rare in that vintage I think.

  10. Nice job. The cool factor makes it a 10!

  11. Great work on this oldie, Scott @guitarhack5
    The metal finish does look really cool on it.

  12. A lovely build of another oldie Scott cracking

  13. Good job on this oldie Scott...well done!

  14. Nicely done Scott.

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