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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Incom T-65B X-Wing Starfighter

January 28, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 8 · 0.8K

My daughter got me this beauty for Christmas and I dove right in. It is the " Starfighter" boxing of the X-wing as seen in Episode IV, the first movie and to me still the best. If like me you have never built one of Bandai's kits, well do yourself a favor and try one. They go together very much like Legos, but that is where the similarity with little bricks ends. The detail is amazing, and the ease of assembly is incredible. I spent much more time on paint and weathering than building. One note about Bandai plastic that I discovered, thankfully before I destroyed my kit, they do NOT do well with enamel washes. Fortunately for me I had a good primer coat and had only done one or two washes over a future base when I read this on line. Modelers have reported the enamel based washes soaking through paint and attacking the plastic. The pictures on line show some areas that literally broke into fragments! One poor soul said his whole kit disintegrated! So only water or acrylic based washes! I chose to not make a specific X-wing from "Red" Squadron, and made a representative one with elements I liked from several. If you want to build a specific one from a specific movie or one from the "Star Wars multi-verse", there is an insane amount of info out there. I truly had no idea there were so many super fans of the movies, like serious, hardcore fans. I thought Trekies were intense, Star Wars aficionados make them look like amateurs! It's all good fun though and I enjoyed reading "Wookiepedia" pages and reading posts from people arguing about minutia. In the end I had a blast. I used kit decals, Tamiya paints and washes of tinted future. I weathered with airbrush and pastels, and placed it on a 1953 vintage swivel stand!

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. A wonderful gift from your daughter, Rob @robertandy
    You clearly enjoyed building this space craft as the result is amazing.
    The applied weathering is amazing.

  2. Fantastic build, Rob!
    LThanks for the info on kit plastic and enamels.

  3. I only build models of things I like in real life, I.e. racing cars, motorcycles, trains, etc, so would never attempt anything like this. But, you’ve made an amazing model of this science fiction “thing” and it looks incredible, whatever it is. By the way, Rob, why do you always post your articles in “uncategorised”, no one will ever find them again in the future.

  4. Nice work on this and a really superb result.

    The first movie (now #4) is the ONLY good movie (seen it 24 times and would watch it again if it showed up someplace besides the @#$##!@! Disney channel). Empire Strikes Back is watchable, Jedi is forgettable, the first trilogy is an abomination and the third one has been Disneyfied down to moron stupidity.

  5. Nice looking X-Wing Rob, like how you mated it on the stand, looks too cool. Have to agree with TC about the original movie it was and still is the best in the series.

  6. Looks like a fun model to build.

  7. I thought I recognized that oId Revell stand. Your X-wing looks terrific. These Bandai kits really seem nice with amazing detail. I'm going to build another one when they release the 1/44 walker this coming Spring.

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