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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 F9F-5P PantherKorean War Group Build.

February 28, 2023 · in Aviation · · 48 · 0.9K

This is the 1990s kit which was apparently modified from the original -5 fighter molds. Both kits are excellent models. In fact, the Monogram is one of my all time favorite kits. Definitely in the top five.

I decided to try to replicate a clear coated NMF Photo Panther when I realized that I had all the necessary markings in the decal dungeon. The small VC-61 unit badge on the nose came from the Furball Banshee sheet and the Eight Ball decal came from the Barracuda F4U-1 sheet. The Eight Ball was modified with a spot of white paint and a stock decal “8” from an Xtradecal set. The codes and numbers came from Techmod. The stars are Superscale, and the NAVY marking came from an Aeromaster F-8 sheet.

Metallic paint is AK Extreme Metal aluminum over Tamiya LP-11 silver. Everything else is Humbrol. A light coat of Future over the silver areas wrapped it up.

The model represents a plane aboard USS Valley Forge in 1953. VC-61 provided recce detachments to carriers throughout the war and flew a wide range of aircraft, the silver Panthers being the last before the armistice.

It's always fun building a Monogram Panther!

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

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48 responses

  1. Man! that looks really nice, John. Somehow the NMF gives the Panther an entire different look/character. Again, well done!

  2. Another outstanding model subject John! Very eye-catching and unique. Monogram kits get better with age!
    My compliments on a job well done, to say the least if not less! Look forward to seeing for NIMCON in June

  3. Excellent looking Panther, John @j-healy
    Besides the perfect build, the silver scheme is the finishing touch.

  4. Wonderful job, here! love the look of classic jets in NMF, and you execute it perfectly!

  5. Excellent build - don't see many NMF Panthers - she looks good in those clothes!

  6. Excellent build and a great result @j-healy. Who doesn't like a good Panther?

  7. Fabulous! NMF is outstanding. Definitely some of the best work posted so far this year. Really like how you differentiated the shades with the use of tape

  8. A great Panther build, don't see many of those in NMF!

  9. It has all been said above, Beautyful Panther John!

  10. Monogram's Panthers have yet to be surpassed, Hobbytrumpeter versions just look wrong and are festooned with oversized rivets. I have seen them made into nice kits, but as you have shown the Monogram kit blows them away.

    • Thanks, Rob. Yes it’s a shame Trumpeter just copied the dimensions of the Monogram -5 for their -2. Not holding my breath for another -2 kit to be released unfortunately.

  11. Fantastic job, John! Loved your build thread, as well!

  12. Simply gorgeous, well done John!

  13. Really nice, John (@j-healy). No one ever does a NMF Panther, and yours came out perfect. The Panther has been my favorite since I saw them in The Bridges at Toko Ri. Well done.

    • Thanks, George! I’ve been a fan of the plane since I got an Aurora Panther for Christmas 50+ years ago. It’s really something when you realize that Grumman went from basically hand building small batches of F3Fs to mass production of Panthers in under 10 years.

  14. Who would have thunk it, that what is often considered an ancient kit by today's standards could good look so good. Well done John.

  15. Clean and shiny. Looks flawless especially with NMF, which shows everything.

  16. Congratulations, this is superb!

  17. Great looking silver Panther from the greatest era of jet planes.

  18. Very nice NMF!

  19. Love that finish John @j-healy! 😍 That is a great looking Panther from the classic Monogram kit! 🤗

  20. John, you've got a real winner here, and your paint work is excellent. This is a real joy to look at !

  21. John, you have made a gorgeous looking Panther. Great job on all of the seams because silver paint will never hide anything. Your overall finish is a 10 out of a 10, beautiful work!

  22. John Healy (@j-healy)
    Hello John !

    Boy you sure hit a home run with this one ! I have always liked the Panther jet. It's my favorite from the era. I can remember building up a 1/48 (ish) AMT Panther jet as a kid. It hung from my bedroom ceiling for years.

    There's something about them. Even better when it's a Monogram kit like we cut our teeth on while growing up...

    But now after seeing yours in this stunning scheme, I can see myself building one like it somewhere down the road. I wanted to build a Neil Armstrong or Ted Williams Panther for the group. I don't know if I will be able to or not though.

    I want to personally thank you for your multiple builds, contributing a lot to our Korean War group. Thanks to your help, these men and women are no longer forgotten. I will be posting up all of the completed entries when the group ends in late July.

    You nailed this one buddy ! I'm sorry I didn't get to make too many comments on your panther (or Skyraider). My wife and I both were very sick and I didn't feel like even logging in for a whole month. Stupid virus...

    I'm serious when I say this is my favorite Panther Jet now... Thanks again,
    and I'll be sure to click on the "like" button before I leave.

    • Thank you, Louis! I sincerely hope and pray you and yours regain health. I might still get a couple more in under the wire before the GB wraps up. Thanks for launching this group. The biggest problem that I had was choosing subjects that I already didn’t have built.

  23. Super build John. Outstanding NMF you have got there. Excellent 👍

  24. Excellent work John. That is one sweet Panther build and eye catching in silver.

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