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Chas Bunch
52 articles

Yakolev UT-1

February 2, 2023 · in Aviation · 7 · 581

Here's my build of Micro-Mir's Yakolev UT-1 in 1:48. I added it to my latest order from Ukraine just because it's a little different and got my attention. It was built as an advanced trainer and aerobatic airplane and was first flown in early 1936 powered bu a 100 hp Shetsov M-11 engine, later upgraded to a 115 hp M-11G. I finished it as it appeared in 1940. It's a small little kit for 1:48, about the same size as a 1:72 P-40. Included in the kit were lots of tiny little PE pieces, nice decals for 7 markings, vinyl paint masks which were pretty useless as masks but great as templates for cutting my own masks from Tamiya tape. The engine took more time to build than the rest of the kit - each cylinder has 3 styrene pieces, plus PE rocker arms and pushrods. I managed to get the engine built without launching any tiny little pieces into low earth orbit with my tweezers. Also added exhaust stubs made from hypo tubing .Vector made a very nice M-11 engine that I put on my Po-2 awhile back, but the engine would have cost more than this kit. Can't see much of it anyway with this cowling. Painted with Tamiya paints. And yes, the prop was painted red!

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16  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Very nice and cute little aircraft, Chas @chasbunch
    Good that the engine is clearly visible with all that work done on it.
    Those last pictures do make it look like a real aircraft.

  2. That's very nice. Good work and a great result.

  3. Amazing result on a subject rarely seen built, Chas! A really charming plane!

  4. Cute and charming sum up its looks very well. Neatly finished, Chas, and nicely detailed.

  5. Great job, excellent paint scheme. This is an eye catching build!

  6. Great color scheme, nice work.

  7. Great looking build of a rarely seen aircraft - well done.

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