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Gabor Kapuy
5 articles


February 24, 2023 · in Aviation · · 13 · 468

Hi all!

I've been away for a while due work mostly, but I'm back with a freshly finished good old Fw-190 F8 kit painted with hungarian markings.

I can't tell too much about the kit, which hasn't been told earlier by other modellers. One thing I should mention though, the age clearly shows it's mark on the kit. The kit has some flash here and there and the parts were not as sharp as they supposed to be. Maybe it was just me, but overall still a good and enjoyable kit. As expected the build went quickly and easily. I ordered an Eduard photoetch set, but finally didn't use it, I spared it for a future project.

For paints I've used MRP paints. For the decals an SBS set was used, but only letters and numbers. As for the stencils, the decals provided by Tamiya, were zellow and cracked, not even mentioning the thickness, so I have ordered an Eduard set. Not entirely sure it was a good move, since it was extremely hard to set them and still there are some silvering effects. As far as I remember, it was the first time for me that happened.

Overall it was a fun build and paint, good experience, and I'm happy with the result, I hope you like it.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Very nice! Building the A-8 version at the moment

  2. Nice job Gabor. Love the paint work on this.

  3. Nice scheme looks great!

  4. A fine looking F-8!

  5. Nice looking build, Gabor.

  6. A beautiful build, Gabor!
    Well done!

  7. Nice work on a classic kit.

  8. Very nice result, Gabor @kistuz
    Great chosen Hungarian scheme and beautifully applied.

  9. Thank you all for the kind words!

  10. Great result on the older 190 Gabor. The Tamiya kits still come out fighting when the modeller gets results like yours Gabor. Nice one 👍

  11. Looks really nice - love the scheme. Well done!

  12. Thank you guys for the compliments!

    Tamiya is indeed old but not obsolete

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