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Alistair Gauld
119 articles

Airfix 1/72 McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.1

March 28, 2023 · in Aviation · · 27 · 0.9K

I really enjoyed this coming together, well, except for all those flaming stencils.
Yes they are all on and I totalled the time out at 10 1/2 hrs for the main fuselage ones alone.

There were one or two tricky moments with the intakes which were entirely my fault but otherwise it went OK.

Primed with Neutral Grey.
Painted with Colourcoats Dark Gull Grey, Extra Dark Sea Grey, Tamiya Flat White with a few drops of buff, Flat White for the serial overpaint, Flat Aluminium, Buff, Gun Metal, Nato Black, Rubber Black, Nato Green, Olive Drab, Clear Red, Clear Green
Xtreme Metals Steel, Burnt Metal, Jet Exhaust, Alclad Pale Burnt Metal.
Washed with Flory Dark Dirt, Citadel Seraphim Sepia and Nuln Oil
Oils used for filtering and staining. Windsor & Newton Titanium White, Paynes Grey, Ochre Yellow and Cerulean Blue
Final clear coat was Windsor & Newton Galeria Satin Varnish

Aftermarket used.
Decals from Xtradecal,
Resin Intakes and Exhaust Cans from AeroCraft.
I thoroughly enjoyed this and am fairly chuffed with the outcome.

Thanks for looking,

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

27 responses

  1. A superb result, Alistair! The chosen scheme is amazing and you replicated it perfectly!

  2. Wow! Wow at the number of stencils -insane and wow above all at the beautiful build, Alistar @alistairfgauld!

    • Thanks very much.
      Yes there are an inordinate amount of stencils but I don't think a Phantom looks right without at least some of them and as they were on the decal sheet I just went for it.


  3. Phantastic Phantom, look's great! You used the catapult extension option for the nose gear assembly and the zapped decal scheme, nice! I did this kit here awhile back, I didn't used all of the stencils, my eyes couldn't handle it. I was hoping that Airfix would release other Phantom versions.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

    • Thanks so much Robert.
      They did release this kit as an RAF version with the Black Mike option and also an FGR.2 version.
      This year they are releasing a boxing with all these versions in the box but they are all British Phantoms.


  4. That's pretty spectacular, Alistair. The FG.1 is the most brutish looking Phantom of them all with the extended nose gear and larger intakes for the RR Spey.

  5. Being a phantom phanatic myself, your work is rockin! The extended nose gear is cool too. How do you work in that scale? I would go bonkers... Again great stuff...

  6. Incredible detail for an 1/72 build. Awesome piece of work. I already hate tons of stencils in 1/48 scale, let alone in 1/72! Admire your skills and patience. Fantastic Phantom, Alistair. @alistairfgauld

  7. @alistairfgauld, Another impressive build Alistair! 👍 I love the look of all those stencils, well done on getting through all of those. I'd venture that you're quite rightly chuffed with that sort of result! 😁 🍻

  8. This is a real beauty Alistair, what's the backstory though on the markings , what is the Colonial navy ?
    Fantastic work at this tricky scale, how do you apply the Windsor and Newton varnish ?

    • Thanks very much.
      XV590 was on a visit to NAS Oceana Virginia in August 1978 and was "vandalised" by the local inhabitants.
      Thus Colonial Navy and the meatball roundel.

      The Windsor & Newton varnish goes through a 0.3mm needle on the airbrush at about 11psi with no problem
      It looks pretty thick but sprays just fine.
      Hope that helps,


  9. A beautiful Phantom! I haven't built my Airfix kit yet, but hope it turns out as nice as this! (stencils and all...)

  10. Looks very very good Alistair.
    Can’t wait to get to mine in Luftwaffe Colors !

  11. beautiful work!

  12. Really nice work Alastair and a superb result. I always love "zapped" markings.

  13. Now that is a fine looking Phantom, Alistair @alistairfgauld
    The amount of ordnance under the fuselage and wings must have been a challenge in this scale.

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