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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Spitfirepalooza Continues

March 4, 2023 · in Aviation · · 26 · 0.9K

Here's my Mk. XII. I thought this was the 2022 release but it turned out to be the original 2017 kit. I've read online comments that on occasion early run Airfix kits have some issues. I've not run into this until this one. It had some weird scratches on the fuselage even thought it was fully bagged. And at one point when I took the fuselage band masking off, a paper thin layer of plastic came up as if the plastic was delaminating. All of these issues were fixable (I am a modeler after all) and in the end I was pleased with the result.

I added some photos of the pre-shading I used this time. Usually I reserve this technique for single color scheme planes but decided to try it on the gray and green. The tonal variation is probably too much for some tastes but, I find it pleasing to look at even if it's not exactly historically accurate. I used seatbelts and instrument decal to add a little more to Airfix's nicely done cockpit.

Griffin engine Spitfires look awesome to me. If Airfix would just come out with the highback Mk. XIV.

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21  Awesome

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. I think the faded and worn look of the color scheme is great! I am sure there were some Spits just like that after a few sorties over the channel, Scott @guitarhack5.

  2. Great work on this! I build this kit a while back and had a good experience except for front of the windscreen. thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks David. I liked this one so much I bought another to make as an in-flight version. I didn’t have any problems with the windshield but, the one-piece open canopy part was a little tricky to mask and paint.

  3. I think my colour blindness prevents me from commenting on the subtle shades of the camouflage, but it sure looks like a Spitfire to me. Having grown up on Airfix, a good job on an Airfix kit is always pleasing to see.

  4. Yeah, the 2022 release is just a re-release of the 2017, which as you discovered is a good kit. Your weathering looks right for 41 Squadron in summer 1944. They kept the XIIs until September 1944, when they got XIVs.

    Very nice work on this and a super result.

    One note on weathering - it actually takes an airplane longer to "weather" than people think, and those in the ETO didn't "weather" that much because of the weather - not a lot of sun. In fact, most "sun fading" for ETO airplanes is "high altitude sun" - above the clouds. There was increased UV, and so there is usually a bit of a "violet/purplish" cast to the colors from the UV. Just info to consider on the next project.

    • Thanks Tom. I used your suggestions for thinning my paint and think it came out well. Being red-green color deficient, I’m open to suggestions as to how to pull off the UV fading.

  5. Looks wonderful, Scott!

  6. A great looking Spit Scott! I really like the finish you gave it and the canopy and cockpit look excellent as well. A really striking build.

  7. Very nice looking Spitfire, Scott @guitarhack5
    The pre-shading did turn out really great.

  8. Nice work, Scott. I enjoyed that kit too.

  9. Looks great to me, Scott. That is really meticulous pre-shading you did to not only get the panel lines but also the subtle shading differences of some panels. I haven't seen it done that way before but the final effect is nice. Your interior painting and weathering/highlighting of the cockpit is also outstanding.

    I really like the lines of the Mk XII, particularly with the clipped wings. Not so many of these kits built that I have seen.

  10. Thank you, Colin! I find my figure painting skills come in handy doing cockpits.

  11. Great build Scott! That version Spit is definitely on 'roids!

  12. Great build Scott. I overall look is spot on and it is nice to see the Mk.XII made.

  13. Great job as it is one of my favorite Spit versions. Years ago I built the kit and it was an easy build with no issues. Plan to do another and upgrade it with some PE, etc.

  14. Thanks Kevin! I like the look of this version too. I have another one and am thinking of making it in-flight by adding a little motor for the prop.

  15. Nice job. The Mk. XII is one of my favorites, I did the 2017 version when it first came out. The Griffon Spits look like they're on steroids!

  16. The preshading turned out great! I’m going to try that technique in the future.

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