Tamiya 1:48 scale, Nakajima J1N1-S, Model 11, "Gekko" (Irving)
This is one of these kits that, I've seen friends build, and always felt I wanted to build. Such an elegantly designed aircraft and one that can be thought of as both beautiful and deadly. This particular kit is the earlier model, with a large hump along the spine which housed the weapons. She's equipped with two firing upward, and two firing downward. Later models would have the spine cut down and the downward firing weapons removed, thereby making an already visually appealing aircraft even more so.
The detail in the cockpit and gun bay, right out of the box, is amazing. the whole kit is well done and the build went very smoothly from start to finish. However, it is NOT a typical Tamiya "Shake n Bake". It is a very involved, very complex model. The engineering makes building it easier than you would think.
I used MRP paints for the overall Nakajima "Black Green". I also used the kit supplied decals, a few pieces from the Eduard PE fret, Infini Scale Rigging Thread, lap belts made from paper. Weathering was done using Flory Washes, pastel chalk and thinned oils.
Markings are those for the machine of CPO Hatao Tetsuya and CPO Yamada Nanpachi. They flew with the 202nd Kokutai out of Mangger AB, Borneo, January 1944.
Nicely done, Sir. Weathering is just right.
Ya missed the big show, we had a nice turnout.
Thanks Bill.
This was a really, REALLY nice kit. The engineering was terrific.
Yeah, I saw pictures and I’m glad they had a great turnout. They even took a picture of you!
Next up will be a couple from the “Shelf of Doom”, an A-36
Nice work on a classic Tamiya kit.
Thanks, George!
Incredibly nice model, Frederick @fjs3!
Thank you, Grant.
Fantastic result, Frederick!
Hey thanks, Spiros! Much appreciated, my friend.
Very nice result, Frederick @fjs3
This aircraft does have indeed beautiful lines, except for the protruding exhaust pipes.
Yeah, I think they were an afterthought to adapt the airframe into a night fighter. Later versions had the downward firing weapons removed, the spine was cut down for aerodynamic reasons, and the exhaust was rerouted to go out from the cowl and not those awkward looking pipes on earlier versions.
Very nice work and a great result. You're right this isn't a "typical Tamiya kit."
Thanks Tom.
With the photographs, I added 30% lightening to the photos as per your suggestion. Seems to work well, especially if I can keep my shadow out of the way!
Is this one of those "Schräge Musik" planes?
Very well done btw good work on the exhausts, interesting model.
Yes it is, Stan. Two up two down. Later models only had two or three firing up and none down.
Great job, Frederick!
Thanks, Gary!
I like this model. Have the same kit in the model stash. Really tempted to dig into the pile and start it.
Go for it, Dan. It’s a great model. There are some great build reviews over on Modeling Madness and Diaperscale to get ideas from.
Beautiful build! Love the finish and weathering that you did. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Dave!
I can only sing with the chorus on this one. Love the open canopies and hatch. The chipping of paint and the aerial wire along with the engine exhaust stains . . . all of the little details add up to make for elegant build of this kit Frederick.
Two thumbs up.
Fantastic modelling Frederick and as you say a very elegant looking aircraft
Frederick, your overall build looks really nice, and I can only add to what you already mentioned about this being an excellent kit. This is one of those kits you can have a lot of fun adding little bits of detail especially in the cockpit area. Then with the option you took, by opening it up, makes for a very attractive model.
I always wondered how much the guy in the rear enjoyed having the muzzle blast from those guns going off right over his head!
Well done. That's one I still need to add to my Japanese collection.
Looks great! I have a 1/72 (old Revell kit I think) already in the "on-deck" pile. I also really like the airframe design.