Air Sea Rescue...1/48 Supermarine Walrus Mk.I, No.276 Sqn RAF

April 3, 2023 · in Aviation · · 13 · 1K


And my dad has finshed the next one, after the Swordfish now another iconic British biplane.
Airfix kit oob. The multi-part fuselage turned out slightly warped, so the wings and tailplane alignement isn´t perfect either. Had to let sit the the left wheel not on its flattened area but on its round one so that the whole model stands more straight. Besides that, faced no major problems. Added Eduard seatbelts, EZ Line used for the antenna wires. For the rigging, there´s a PE set from AIMS but don´t know if this is available anymore. My dad ddind´t want to spend extra money and tried EZ Line at first, but that was too fiddly. Then he tried 0.3 mm plastic rods which were a bit too "soft". In the end he used 0.4mm plastic rods. Added also a fin mast, the kit has none.
Painted with AK RC Extra Dark Sea Grey, a selfmixed Dark Slate Grey and AK RC late RLM 76 for the Sky/Duck Egg Green.

Build thread here

The squadron formed at RAF Harrowbeer, Devon on 21 October 1941 with the responsibility of Air Sea Rescue over the Western part of the English Channel and the Bristol Channel. The Walrus stayed in its service until November 1945 when the unit was disbandoned.

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20  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Yet another Spreitzhofer masterpiece! Well done!

  2. Well done, Reinhard! Your dad did well. That’s one of my favorite kits of all time.

  3. What a magnificent build! Very beautiful. The paintwork is very much inspiring! I have three of them in my stash but i do not dare build them (yet) due to the rigging work. One of Airfix' best kits in my opinion.

  4. Excellent work, congrats!

  5. Beautiful! I also want to add for anyone else that the engine nacelle is not misaligned. The Walrus had its thrust line angled like that to counteract torque.

  6. Despite all of the fatal flaws . . . "The multi-part fuselage turned out slightly warped, so the wings and tailplane alignement isn´t perfect either. Had to let sit the the left wheel not on its flattened area but on its round one so that the hole model stands more straight.", the model to us mortals looks perfect. Reinhard , your fathers gifts and talents combined with your photograph skills are consistently impressive. A real treat for the eyes. The Walrus is a subject that needs to be shown to better inform and show that the war was fought by aircraft that supported pilots who where shot down and left for Davy Jones's locker to be rescued to fight another day.

  7. Top notch modeling!

  8. Very nice work and a great result.

    Good inspiration to me to pull out the half-complete model and get on with it.

  9. Very nice build of a less celebrated but important warbird.

  10. An absolute stunning result, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Excellent achievement on the camouflage, weathering and rigging.
    Did built this kit myself and I remember this being an enjoyable kit.
    Mine came out not even close to your quality result.

  11. Lovely build. I love this plane. I believe Aircraft Restoration Company at Duxford have one awaiting restoration .
    In case you hit a paywall "the project Romain is most excited about is an “exceptionally rare” ’30s Supermarine Walrus biplane that’s due to begin hands-on work in about nine months."

  12. Another beauty from the Master! Love it.

  13. Sorry, but I can’t being reminded of the Beatles’ song when I see one of these, was John Lennon inspired by the sea creature or this marvelous aircraft when he wrote “I am the walrus”?

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