Grumman F-4F4 Wildcat (Tamiya 1/48)

April 22, 2023 · in Aviation · · 10 · 417

Another 20+ year resident of the stash. Built straight from the box with the exception of the EZ-Line antenna. Finished with Mr. Color paints, panel line wash, and AK weathering pencils. The kit decals added some drama but fortunately responded to Solva-Set nicely.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Great job, Christopher. The paint job is superb.

  2. That's a superb paint job, Christopher.

  3. Amazing job, Christopher!

  4. Very nice looking Wildcat, Cristopher @cchurch1117
    Great paintwork.

  5. Great paint and pics. Grumman Iron Works!

  6. Beautiful little Cat! Nicely done!

  7. Very nice build and paintwork. Looks just right.

  8. Your paintwork and subtle weathering have brought out the best of this kit.

  9. Thanks all, much appreciated.

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