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John Healy
165 articles

Korean War Collection.

July 27, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 12 · 331

Here's a grouping of all my Korean War builds. All are with the exception of the Centurion and Valley Forge. Some have been shown here, some haven't. The Valley Forge will be finished soon. Home renovations have eaten up modeling time this summer. Thanks to Louis for starting and running this group!

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 2  3 

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Great job on all of these!

  2. A very nice collection and all to the same high @j-healy standard we have come to expect.

  3. All looking awesome, John!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Impressive collection, John

  5. An amazing collection, John @j-healy

  6. Excellent collection, John!

  7. Super nice collection John @j-healy. They all look great, but that aluminum painted Panther is a knock out!

  8. What a top notch collection. 👍👍

  9. Impressive collection John!

  10. Great collection! I especially like the 19 Corsair.

  11. You’ve got enough there to fight this war on your own, John, an incredible achievement.

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