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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Eduard 1/48 A6M3 Model 32

August 1, 2023 · in Aviation · · 36 · 491

Eduard's Zero series is similar to previous offerings by the company. Texture surface is excellent and there are plenty of details. However, the engineering of the kit and the quality control are not up to the high standard of texture. In simple words, putty remains a close companion of model builds. The reason being that the edges of parts, particularly the wings and fuselage are un even and require fix. In addition, the thin plastic parts and the very tight fit confound the expected simple building process. In this model, the main culprit is the engine cowling. While most manufacturers chose to cast the cowling in one block, Eduard divided it to sections to accommodate for different cowl shapes of Zero variants. This Zero model cowling disintegrated when it was painted and weathered. In addition, the cowl flaps are molded shut. I opened them for the dynamic look of the model.

The Zero joins to a growing line of recent Eduard models that could have been the definitive 1/48th scale build of the type if it was not a frustrating experience. A while ago, I realized that no matter what approach I take, the beautiful texture will always be damaged in the efforts to correct engineering mistakes. Two things I do with Eduard kits to keep up with the fun of building. The first, is to leave as is, if possible, without the use of putty. Just a touch of fast drying glue to seal the seams. Second, buy Eduard kits at the or below the price of the older generation Tamigawa equivalents. Would you get frustrated during a build for a $30-40 (inclusive) investment?

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36 responses

  1. I’ve never built an Eduard kit, but have read a lot of rave reviews of them on imodeler. Despite the difficulties you encountered, your Zero turned out looking like a “10” to me. Excellent paint work on this one.

  2. Very nice. While I love the few Eduard kits I've built, the over-engineering dampens the enthusiasm

  3. Despite some issues, the outcome is superb, Rafi @blackmopane

  4. Excellent result as usual, Rafi, and very useful info regarding the kit's merits and idiosyncrasies!

  5. It is a beautiful job on that Zero, Rafi (@blackmopane). I have built two Eduard P-39's, two Spitfires and one Hellcat. Generally, I enjoyed them all. I have found that PE is not my friend, and I am enjoying that less. I have not encountered any of their new decals yet, but I have read that others are satisfied with them. The prevailing price of $49.95 for a 1/48th scale single engine kit does make me hunt for sales or other discounts. (I have to admit my wife says I am stuck back in the 1980's on prices!) Their approach differs from Tamiya, but Eduard kits are worth purchasing. I give Eduard a thumb up.

    • Thank you Matt.
      I also built these models and had no problems. Spitfire IX was OK, but the newer Vs bite. The name of the game is that your mileage will vary even with models of the same kind. The same thing can be said for the decals. You never know what to expect with Eduard models.

  6. You must have built a Zero kit from the other Eduard model company. I've built three (Model 11, Model 21, Model 32) so far and am working on numbers 4 (Model 22) and 5 (the Rufe) and to date have experienced none of the problems you list in this review. So far as the "exploding" cowling is concerned, what kind of glue are you using? If you assemble it around the "assembly core" they provide and let it set up completely, there is no problem with any of the different cowl shapes.

    Not saying you didn't have the problems you report, just very surprised. Fortunately you're good enough I wouldn't have thought you had any problems, given the high quality of your result.

    • Thank you Tom.
      I did not build the Model 21 that has different cowl and fuselage. In the A6M3 the base plate of the engine does not fit the fuselage front. Found out about it too late. The leaders of engine parts are so small that it is imperative to hit the right place on the first attempt to glue. I use cyanoacrylate glue.

      • There's your problem. With CA, the first join has to be the right join. May I strongly suggest Tamiya Extra-thing quick setting liquid glue? You have time to adjust things and once it sets up, it welds the plastic and is much stronger than a CA joint. There are things (like super small parts) that are good candidates for CA so they don't fall off and scurry off to the Department of Lost, but the rest, the main stuff, is best done with something like the Tamiya glue.

  7. I can’t comment on the good or not so good qualities of the Eduard kit, but your Zero looks very good from where I’m sitting, Rafi.

  8. Well done, Rafi. Love the paint job.

  9. Looks good to me.

  10. @blackmopane

    I have similar opinion as the one Tom expressed above @tcinla

    Though I understand some complains about PE use (some parts are fiddling for sure) I must say building Model 21 Zero was a hassle free experience.

    I cannot, and will not, disagree about your cowling issues since your model has a different plastic cowling than mine but given the fact that I’ve built numerous kits from Eduard (both old -and somewhat complex has their bf.110- as mostly their post 2016 releases) I’d attribute that as an odd experience that might occur on occasions but not their usual standard build experience. Call me a fan boy if you like but I’d say Eduard produces some of the best model plastic these days.

    Anyway you delivered us here a very nice rendition of the Hemp model. Thumbs up!

    • Thank you Pedro
      It seems that the A6M3 is a different mold in fuselage and engine cowling. (I have yet another to build and hope that I was too critical here and will be glad to correct the impression.)
      I noticed that whenever Eduard changes the parts for new variants the fit of parts also changes, for worse like the Spitfire. Sometimes for the better like the Tempest.
      In any case my point is that your mileage varies, which is why I reduce my expectations (price) a priori.

  11. Nicely done A6M3, great work on the mottled camo. I like it.

  12. That is a great-looking Zero - love the scheme, and as always your finish is impeccable.

  13. Excellent build, Rafi.
    Awesome camo paint job, thumbs up 👍

  14. Nice Zero, Rafi!

  15. An excellent result in spite of your difficulties. Looks good!

  16. Beautiful result, Rafi @blackmopane! Fantastic paint work here! 👏

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