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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Old-skool Monogram classic: the 1/48th B-17G Flying Fortress

August 5, 2023 · in Aviation · · 12 · 0.8K

Evening all.

My latest completion is a real classic: 's 1975 edition B-17G in 1/48th scale. I actually started this a number of years ago for a previous Group Build, but got side-tracked and never finished it. However, I recently stumbled upon the partially-started kit when rummaging in the loft and thought it was time to finish it off.

Despite its age, it builds well and is a good rendition of the B-17. Although HK have recently come to the party with their B-17F and G kits the Monogram kit, in my humble opinion, is more accurate shape-wise and I actually prefer the raised surface details which are a far better representation of the Fortress' skin than anything recessed. Saying that, I do have both the F and G kits from HK and will build them one day!

This was made more or less as it comes in the box - you can't see much of the interior so I didn't bother enhancing it at all and just enjoyed building it. I did substitute the cowls from the Revell kit however, as I'd previously used the Monogram parts for a B-17C conversion a couple of years ago. The tail gunner's transparency was also improved as the kit part fits poorly so I blended the whole thing in with Miliput, sanded it all smooth, polished it back to clarity and then made my own window masks. Other than that, it's how Monogram intended. Decals came from KitsWorld as the ones I had in the kit (original 1975 boxing) were well past their best.

I've modelled this as "Pistol Packin' Muma" would have looked in early March 1944 when it arrived at Bassingbourn: 42-37779 flew with the 324th Squadron of the 91st Bomb Group. This was prior to the red 1st Division tails and wing-tips being used, the radio operator's gun is still in position and she's only got three missions to her credit. The Monogram kit is actually a later-batch than the real deal, but I can live with that as other than the cheek gun arrangement, the Monogram kit is a pretty close match for this particular aircraft.

Paints were my favourite Xtracolor enamels, with decals from KitsWorld. Some light weathering with some pastels give an impression of wear but nothing too dirty as the full on rigours of air combat are yet to ravage her fresh olive drab paint.

For those of you with these Monogram classics in your stash - build them: they're great fun!


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12 responses

  1. Superb result, Thomas!

  2. Excellent! I really like those old 1:48 Monogram Bombers.

  3. Brilliant work- thanks for sharing and the inspiration to build on of these my self. Great work all around!

  4. Great looking classic Monogram kit.

  5. Very nice result with this old chestnut.

  6. Much appreciated post as I've got this classic kit on the flight line.

  7. Really nice result, Thomas @vacform
    The OD came out very well.

  8. Hello Thomas,
    Your finished model looks how it should look. Excellent finish.
    I agree, with your remark, concerning the raised detail. Looking up close to the actual skin of many world war 2 planes, they are indeed raised. Overlapping skin plates is to my knowledge still taking place. For example reinforcemtn armor plates by helicopters. To protect vital equipment and pilots.
    Regards from The Netherlands.

  9. That is a beauty, Thomas. 1975 is probably about the time I built my one and only Monogram B-17, so your post brings back good memories!

  10. Great job on an elderly kit, Thomas (@vacform). I still build a lot of the old Monogram and Revell kits. I also left the raised details on my last couple of Monogram kits and I think they look fine. Well done.

  11. A great-looking iconic Monogram build!

  12. Looking around this evening I came aross this excellent build. You did such a nice job on this classic. Your comment that the shape looks better that the new HKM kit is absolutely true. Some of these older models look much better finished than some of the new models because of that. The new Chinese kits seem to be the worst offenders. I like to build a Monogram kit now and then, too. Thank you for sharing this B-17!

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