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September 28, 2023 · in Armor · · 7 · 562

Mentioned here a number of times that I love building TD's, think I've done four-in-a-row over the last couple of years. I try something new with each build, and for this one, it was the figures - I have always been 'low average' when it comes to painting 'little men'. This attempt is definitely better than usual for me, but I have a long-way-to-go.

Very easy and typical 1990's quality kit. No surprises and everything fitted very well, although I felt the side skirts could definitely have benefitted from a much more positive join to the hull. Colours are my own mix of Tamiya acrylics trying to match the more saturated green and paler Dunkelgelb that you see in later war vehicles, not sure if I succeeded but they're close enough IMHO. I detest pigments and was 'this close' to not adding any at all, but did so anyway. Don't think I'll ever get the hang of applying them.

So that is that. Please feel free to make any comments, ask any questions or hurl any insults. Cheers from NZ.

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8  Awesome 2  1 

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7 responses

  1. Nice paintwork, weathering, figures. What's not to like? Practice makes perfect. 🙂

  2. I think It's very well done. You have covered it in muck very nicely. The little men crew the vehicle effectvely.

  3. Looks good from here in the northern hemisphere, Ian.

  4. Extremely realistic looking Jagdpanther, Ian @ij001
    Details, painting, weathering, all is perfectly done.

  5. Excellent result, Ian!

  6. The wheels and tracks look very realistic! Overall, a great job!

  7. That turned out great, Ian. Nice touch adding the wire for camo/stowage on the superstructure.

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