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Rafi Ben-Shahar
298 articles

Trumpeter 1/48 Mig-23ML Flogger G

September 20, 2023 · in Aviation · · 24 · 0.7K

The Syrian Air Force had several variants of the in service. Conveniently I chose The Mig-23ML model of which one landed in Israel and was well photographed.

's 1/48th scale model is challenging. The difficulties in the build originate both from the complex structure of this fighter/bomber and Trumpeters' design mistakes. For example, the landing gear is weak and barely supports the weight of the model. I had to drill the struts and insert steel rods. In addition, parts of the fuselage in the area behind the cockpit do not fit well together.

Nonetheless, it seems that Trumpeter got the dimensions right and the model is detailed enough to depict the Flogger.

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24 responses

  1. Bravo on completing one I couldn't. Very nice job.

    I had the same issues you had with this kit. The worst is the landing gear. Even the metal ones don't work well. I had many issues with the SAC landing gear (no glue could hold them in place and the plastic gear was next to useless) that I basically threw my incomplete model in a box to be thrown away in the future.

  2. Very well spite of its "fiddlyness."

  3. Superb result on the challenging Trumpeter kit, Rafi!

  4. A beautiful Flogger. One of my favorite Soviet aircraft, and it looks really good in these colors. You're paintwork is great as always!

  5. Another amazing build, Rafi @blackmopane
    Is it a mechanism to have the canopy open and closed or can it be placed easily like that.
    I have always been impressed by the complexity of this landing gear, seems so fragile.

  6. Nice save on this, leading to a superb result, Rafi.

  7. Nice job on this build, and thanks for the info about the landing gear. That is very helpful to know for when i finally get around to building mine. Cheers dude!

  8. Great results, a very impressive model imo. Thumbs up

  9. Nicely done Flogger!

  10. A very impressive looking Flogger.

  11. The painting and weathering are top notch. Great job!

  12. Nice work on this, Rafi. Sounds like it was an adventure getting to this great result.

  13. Indeed, John. Thank you.

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