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Shark with shark

November 26, 2023 · in Diorama · · 16 · 404

Work in fantasy style. Above-water part of the world's largest Soviet submarine Project 941 "". Underwater, as an extension, a great white .
Product size:
Length 340 mm, width 90 mm height 100 mm

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome 1 

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Very original. Very creative. Great work!

  2. Very original - and also informative.

  3. I love this! So original and well done.

  4. Reminds of the line in the movie Jaws . . . "We need a bigger boat." This answers it. This is what the hobby is all about not being constrained by conventions and thinking out side of the box. Some eye candy Roman.

  5. Awesome display!

  6. Really inspirational and excellently done, Roman!

  7. A lot of fantasy but great looking, Roman @doom
    Original indeed.

  8. Great concept, that looks really cool. Very nice job,and beautiful water effects.

  9. Thank you very much for your attention to my work.

  10. I like that combination of the metal Akula on top and the organic Akula on the bottom.

  11. I love all three of your submarine presentations but this one is my favourite.

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