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Michael Turner
58 articles

Lockheed T-33A

November 8, 2023 · in Aviation · · 18 · 0.6K

This aircraft is not my usual choice for a build. However, I built it is because it was for a club competition - "Build a B@#%@#%". The name of the competition comes from the fact that everyone has to build an old and difficult - by todays standard - kit.

Kits are drawn out of a hat and then given a degree of difficulty rating (1.0 for a kit like this one and up to 1.3 for the most difficult kit) which is then applied as a multiplication factor to the judging score. The difficulty is rated according to the fit of the parts, the quality of the moulding and other intangibles.

The competition rules state that it is an out of the box build - lost panel lines can be re-scribed and aerial wires added, but no other modifications. Kit decals must be used unless they are beyond use, in which case an alternative can be sought for the same scheme.

If you decide to modify the kit or paint it in a different scheme then penalties apply. One of the competitors chose to do a different scheme and ended up with a difficulty rating of 0.9, for example.

Judging follows the normal competition rules - references, build quality, attention to detail, realism, etc.

I scored 77/100 = 0.77 and came second, but the winner scored 73/100*1.3 = 0.95.

Oh, well.

The side of the box shows a couple of novel features.

Firstly, the canopy is able to be opened and closed.

Secondly, the rear fuselage detaches and the jet engine can be removed and placed in a stand.

Also, the inside of the starboard upper wing is stamped "Hawk Model Co., 1964, Made in U.S.A.", which makes it older than me by a couple of years.

I tried a few new things with this build:

  • I used SMS metallic paints - Aluminium and Super Silver - for the main colours and which I am very happy with.

  • I used Vallejo acrylic Metal Color for the dark panels - a roughly 50:50 mix of Aluminium and Dark Aluminium. These were perhaps more temperamental, with some lift-off with the masking.

  • While the decals looked good, I decided to mask and paint most of the markings. I created masks using a Cricut cutter and the same brand vinyl material. I was very happy with these.

The only decals used were the instrument panels, aircraft data stencil and rescue markings under the cockpit, "NO STEP" and fuel fill point stencils on the wing, the tandem bicycle nose art and the wingtip fuel tank arrows.

The latter shattered and didn't want to conform to the curves of the wing tanks and had to be repaired and touched up.

You can see the build log here:

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 5  3 

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Fantastic job, Michael! A prize well deserved!

  2. Great job on that old chestnut, mate! 👍 She does look a winner now with your wonderful retro build, Michael @michaelt! 🍺

  3. Interesting contest, You did a great job on this.

  4. Fantastic looking T-33, Michael. You really spruced this old kit up, and made it look way better than I ever would have expected was possible for such a kit. Thanks for sharing the build and the results.

  5. Pretty darn good for what you were working with! I think it looks great!

  6. Cool! It's amazing what can be done with kits from the Jurassic Period.

  7. To me an absolute winner, Michael @michaelt
    It cannot be seen that this is an old and difficult kit.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Love those old HAWK kits, brings back memories of happy Saturday morning build up's in bed while watching cartoons.
    Nice clean work Michael.

  9. Such a cool idea for a club competition. Michael, you definitely made a silk purse out of a pigs ear! I have the later reissue of this kit and I can attest as to what a slug it is. You've given me hope that great outcomes are possible. Beautiful job!

  10. Well done, Michael (@michaelt). It was a real pleasure to follow along on your build. I hope your club appreciates the work.

  11. You were fortunate to find this kit. I really enjoyed a couple of them over the years. Build them out of the box, take them as they are. Leave today's standards and rules behind and enjoy.

  12. Wonderful build and finish on that "older than dirt" kit.

  13. Terrific looking build. A highly deserved award, indeed (@michaelt).

  14. Wonderful job on that classic, which still hold up today!

  15. Great result, Michael.

  16. Very nice piece of work on this “ancient” kit.
    A well deserved recognition by winning the second prize 🏆 at this interesting contest!

  17. Beautiful, Michael @michaelt. Excellent NMF! Congrats on your award.

  18. I love this kit! You did a wonderful job on it.

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