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Mark P Hartig
39 articles

Academy 1/144 B-52H

February 18, 2024 · in Aviation · · 20 · 387

I'd say another teeny gem by but it ain't so teeny. It's still a gem tho, with outstanding fit and surprising detail given its scale...they even give you canopy masks in the kit. Decals are tiny and numerous but they are easy to work with.

This one was finished in Mission Models Gunship Grey, three coats were required to get complete coverage. Alcad Aquagloss was applied, then decals, then a black Flory's wash which took a really long time given all the panel lines. Two coats of my dwindling supply of Model Masters Clear Acrylic Flat finished the beast off.

I am very impressed by the Academy line in this scale

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome 3 

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20 responses

  1. Looks extra nice ! What’s the wing span measure on that BUFF ?

  2. Excellent result, Mark! I think 1/144 is the best scale for a B-52 and it is good to hear that the Academy kit is good!
    Well done!

    • Thanks brother I'd wanted to do one of these for years but the sheer size in 1/72 put me off the idea. This one was the ticket, small enough and well detailed. Engineering and fit are top notch in case I have not mentioned this elsewhere

  3. Dimensions and build quality are both impressive, Mark @markh
    You did an amazing job on this one.

  4. Very fine job indeed Mark (@markh). A fantastic looking build there 🙂

  5. The best thing you can do, Mark, is throw that Mission Models crappy paint in the trash. Get Gunze Sangyo Aqueous, Tamiya, Mr Color - all paints that don't sneer at you like MMP do, easy to use. I hate paint that's smarter than I am.

    Nice work on this model. It definitely "looks the part."

    • Thank you sir and I must agree, despite careful porportions and endless mixing I've never had decent results from this paint unless many coats, more than it should be, were used. I decided here to be stubborn 'cause their Gunship Grey is a really nice color and frankly I'm surprised that three coats were enough. I'm in the process of phasing this brand out in favor of Tamiya which is available locally to some extent but I'll use what I got up since it's $5+ a bottle

  6. It still looks big even in 144 scale, Mark, very impressive model.

  7. Excellent B-52, Mark. 1/144 is the perfect scale for it.

  8. WOW...that's one big grey airplane. Fine build & finish, Mark.

  9. Nice work on that beast. My hat's off to anyone who can achieve those kind of results in 1:144, masking those tiny windows!

  10. Very nicely done on this "Giant", Mark!

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