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Marcello Rosa
15 articles

Fujimi 1/700 HMS Eagle (a blast from the past)

February 10, 2024 · in Ships · · 6 · 470

Dear friends
While working on my next model, I share today pictures of an older build. This was completed more than 3 years ago, and was my first 1/700 ship, and also my first sea base. I decided to share images of this model to commemorate its "retirement": due to an unfortunate incident, it has now been sent to whatever breakers wait for ship models. Appropriately, my first picture shows it sailing into the sunset...

This was an old Fujimi kit of HMS Eagle (R05), from over 40 years ago, which I got from eBay. It represents the Eagle some time in the late 50's.

The mould is typical of its era, with very little detail. The plastic was also very brittle, and I broke a lot of parts during the construction, including the flight deck. There were also no decals, and the instructions for painting were almost non-existent (where they existed, they were wrong based on contemporary images). So, a lot of improvisation went into this. I will not give you a list of all the scratch built parts and home printed decals, but if you are interested you can find the detailed build report here:

In retrospect, the result is also typical of a first attempt to build 1/700, but I remember being super happy with the way it turned out.

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11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. You have done an awesome job, Marcello! Especially for your first 1/700 ship!
    Well done!

  2. I really like the water! Great job!

  3. I can imagine you are happy with the outcome, Marcello @marcellorosa1
    It looks really good, especially considering this is your first ship and even in 1/700.
    The water effect is indeed very nice.

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever built a ship model, and I find aircraft carriers very interesting, yours looks very good to me, shame it’s gone to the wrecker’s yard.

  5. Fantastic job on this Marcello , interesting fact (for me at least) my father served on this ship in the 1950's along with HMS Victorious which I have here on iModeller.

  6. A couple of those shots "look real." Excellent work and a great result. sorry to hear about the accident.

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