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Boris Grgić
42 articles

1/144 AFV Club CH-124 Sea King RCN

It was surprisingly good for surprisingly cheap kit. Kit comes with sprues for two identical models. Decals are basic (US , Royal Navy and Indian Navy) but parts are very well molded and fit well together. Models are quite accurate for scale.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Well done, Boris (@grgast). It is hard to believe that this is a 1/144 scale kit. Your paint and decals are exceptional. I once thought it might be fun to build one of these, and then I remembered I am old enough to think that 1/72 is too small to handle, much less 1/144.

    • Thank you George. I've always preferred 1/48 scale and waited till my '40s to try 1/144 scale for the first time. Pushing the limits of my eyes and hands is exactly the challenge I needed to pin me back to my workbench.

  2. Wow. What a job on such a small scale. Well done!

  3. Boris, you sure you don’t have a shrinking machine at home 🤔.
    Excellent work on this mini gem!

  4. Amazing job on this tiny scale, Boris!

  5. This is very impressive, Boris @grgast
    Building a helicopter in 1/144 with this quality is amazing.

  6. Totally AWESOME Boris!

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