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Zoran Sivcev
40 articles

Westland Wyvern, Trumpeter 1/48

April 8, 2024 · in Aviation · · 11 · 299
Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 4 

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11 responses

  1. Very nice looking Wyvern!

  2. Looks excellent, Zoran!

  3. Beauty. Built the late version with Suez stripes years ago.

  4. Wonderfully strange and elegant aircraft finished in that fetching FAA finish. Well done.

  5. The best looking 'ugly' aircraft ever - well, maybe next to the Fairey Gannet.
    Great looking Wyvern, Zoran.

  6. Beautifully done, Zoran @sivcev

  7. Excellent work, Zoran. The Wyvern always pleases.

  8. As a Great SoCal Modeling Gnu once told me when I presented a Wyvern model at a local IPMS show: "that's a what-if!"

    Nope. And yours is a very good Real One. 🙂

    Very nice work on a kit that is one of Trumpeter's best because Trumpy had nothing to do with designing it.

  9. Looks great, Zoran, I remember back in the 1950s there was a Vauxhall Wyvern car that had looks that only its mother could love as well.

  10. Nice build - I'm a big fan of the unusual bird!

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