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Kevin Rowbotham
14 articles

1/35 Thunder Model Scammell TRMU 30 Tank Transporter

May 21, 2024 · in Armor · · 11 · 218

This is a big departure for me as I usually model aircraft. The kit grabbed my attention and I thought I'd have a crack at it? I had no reference material at the start of the build but, as always, the internet came to my rescue. Another unusual departure for me was the use of enamels which I used to paint the major parts of the kit (simply because I was having difficulty in locating the shade I wanted) A major set back was a complete sprue missing from the kit! Fortunately the missing sprue was replaced by the kit supplier and so I was able to make some progress.

Work to date...

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 1 

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11 responses

  1. Although out of your comfort zone, you did an amazing job on this truck so far, Kevin @kevinrowbotham

  2. Excellent job, Kevin! Great that you could get a new sprue from the supplier.

  3. I've always had my eye on these Thunder Model Schammells. Good to see someone on iModeler tackling one and look forward to what you have to say when finished, Kevin @kevinrowbotham. Looking terrific so far. That motor is something else. Lots of detail.

  4. I'm looking to finish this part (part 1 ) pretty soon Eric, I will certainly update everyone on my progress, cheers!

  5. That’s an impressive kit of an impressive vehicle, Kevin, well done for tackling it.

  6. That looks great. Right out of North Africa.

  7. Part 1 of the build onto the trailer and load!

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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