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Charles King
130 articles

'Australian Road Train in the outbacks'

June 8, 2024 · in Diorama · · 30 · 341

I started on a commission project commissioned by Fredrik. The theme of this project is an 'Austrailian Road Train in the outbacks'. Fredrik wanted a weathered three trailer combo with loads, placed on an outback . The diorama is 1500mm x 500mm. Yes, pretty big, but not that big. The scale is 1:50. Everything took about 3 months to complete and the client received it with joy. So I am a happy camper. 🙂

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7  Awesome 1  4 

49 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. That's a bloody beauty mate, but Tassie doesn't have any outback, it's not big enough :p

    • Okay. I keep hearing about this and quite honestly, I had no idea. I just added the sign because it looked the part like many other signs on many of my reference photos.

  2. Wow ! this is your best work yet Charles , so realistic it's like being there...

  3. Amazing, Charles.

  4. Excellent Diorama and vehicle work.

  5. Excellent as always and extremes realistic, Charles!

  6. That sure looks great Charles! 🤩 The project must've taken a lot of work. 👍 And it really shows, too! 😊

  7. This is really impressive, Charles @tiking
    Most of the pictures do look like they are from a real situation, the realism is superb.
    The grass, the mud, the water, the trees, everything.
    You must have another satisfied customer added to your list.

  8. Honestly mate, that's a fantastic Dio!
    I can see, hundreds of details, but I gotta admit, you nailed the colour of the dirt!
    It's so life-like, that it deserves an award!
    Well done brother, you nailed this!

  9. That's spectacular, everything looks very convincing. Your client must be a happy camper!

  10. The complete realism - the models, the diorama scene - is truly amazing. Everything works perfectly.

  11. That’s outstanding! Red clay looks like the real thing. Could easily be in the Alabama wire grass or Florida panhandle.

  12. @tiking absolutely amazing, your working is stunning!

  13. I think this may be your masterpiece. Absolutely outstanding, Charles @tiking

  14. Holy smoke - that's amazing! With all the trees and shadows, it looks so real - the photography is excellent. I can't imagine trying to take a road train down a "road" like that - pretty loose definition of the term!

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