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Tarantino Paolo
25 articles

P 51-D Hasegawa 1/48

July 24, 2024 · in Aviation · · 6 · 208

Ciao ragazzi, here I just finish for friend of mine a P51-D. The kit is in scale , assembly was quite ok but the decals was a real disaster. Some of the them destroyed immediatly when I put in the water...and I have to paint directly on the airplane; but in the end was finish and Nicola is very happy ! I use the AK Aluminium and I had a great result. The kit represent the P 51-D 352nd Fighter Squadron, 487th fighter group, 8th AF pilotato dal MaJ. George E. Preddy.

That's all by now

Ciao Paolo

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6 responses

  1. Nice work, Tarantino @tarantinopaolo
    A pity about the decals but in the end all looks okay.

  2. Super nice job. Great save with the decal issue, you'd never know in the end. 👍

  3. Good save on the decals. They must be a good 30 years old, since that kit was released in 1994.

  4. Excellent result, Paolo!

  5. Thanks guys 😉

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