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Jeremy Millan
17 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 A6M3 Zero

August 18, 2024 · in Aviation · · 11 · 187

This is an old kit from 1994 that I had sitting in my closet for the while. The decals were unusable so I built it without them. I painted on the meatballs and hand brushed the tail number with a stencil. I went for a field applied paint job (Mitsubishi green painted over the factory amber grey). This kit still builds up pretty good I think specially for being 30 years old and I had no fitment problems. As usual I did the hairspray chipping to show wear. I painted the kit with Mr color/Tamiya paints. Weathered with enamel/oils. Just basic iPhone pics on this one... Another for my collection lol...

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9  Awesome 1  1 

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11 responses

  1. Excellent paint and finish. I am envious of your work here. Gives me something to strive for.

  2. Nice work. Great paint job.

  3. Very nice result, Jeremy Millan @jmillan
    The painting is indeed really nice.

  4. Only thing with these is that all your hard work adds up to Zero! Hehe.
    That is a really nice job there, with this one heavy weathering is appropriate, the Rabaul
    Zeroes were rid hard and put away wet.

  5. Great result, Jeremy @jmillan! 👏

  6. Beautiful work, Jeremy @jmillan!

  7. Amazing job! The paint fade efect is awesome!

  8. Lovely paint work!

  9. A simple scheme but elegantly reproduced! Looks fantastic.

  10. Thanks for the comments guys!

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