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Operation Overlord Maintenance Diorama

September 16, 2024 · in Diorama · · 24 · 334

I am proud to show off my completed Operation Overlord Maintenance Diorama. From start to finish, this entire project was completed in roughly 40 days.

This diaroma is a mirror image of the Luftwaffe diorama I finished a little over a month ago. I tried to emphasize a more organized and functional scene with this build when compared to the Luftwaffe one since this would be later in the war.

I used the following kits and accessories to build the diorama:

MiniArt P-47D-30RA Advanced Kit
Eduard P-51B 1/48
Eduard Brassin P-51B Gun Bays
Eduard Brassin P-51B Engine
Additional 3D printed engine parts for P-47
MiniArt Field Workshop
MiniArt Tool Set
MiniArt Marston Mat Set
Tamiya Allied Jerry Can Set
Tamiya U.S Army Infantry At Rest
Tamiya German Tank Maintenance Crew

Wide shot of whole diorama

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24 responses

  1. Fantastic! That’s great project.

  2. You’ve done it again Keith, awesome.

  3. That is awesome, Keith! 🤩 I know that word is so overused but, in this case, it fits so well! 🏆 This is some really great work, sir 👏

  4. Thee are really truly excellent models - the detail is highly realistic. I am not normally a fan of "opened up" models but these are really well done.

    There is one nagging thing though: it would be impossible to have an Eighth Air Force P-51B in markings carried for the month of June before they were modified and done away with in August/September, sitting on the same airfield in Europe with a Ninth Air Force P-47D-30 that wouldn't have appeared on operations before late 1944. This is no criticism of the models themselves, but just another reminder that when it comes to dioramas, the hardest part has nothing to do with the actual model building; it is getting all the story elements to fit properly.

    • Thanks as always Tom.

      Originally, the P-47 was going to be a more appropriate scheme. While building though, the decals for that one came in and seemed very low quality and slightly blurry. I chose to go with the MiniArt decals representing Balls Out purely for aesthetic reasons after my initial plan fell through

    • G’day Keith (@greenterrorz),
      Three spectacular builds brought together.
      I’m guessing that the details of the base was almost as involved as the two aircraft.

  5. That diorama is certainly inspiring Keith - Great work on all the kits involved in its creation, as well as the base (and the backdrop!) The finish and weathering are top-notch - Cheers

  6. Beautiful models and an impressive diorama. Well done!

  7. Outstanding Keith. Two superb models in a diorama scene and in 40 days. Takes me that time to do the undercarriage. Fantastic

  8. Two beautiful models, and the diorama and photography are excellent! Well done.

  9. Incredible diorama, and your photos are top-notch...well done, Keith!

  10. Spectacular job and excellent result, Keith!

  11. This is an amazing diorama, Keith @greenterrorz
    While looking at those pictures you get the idea of looking at a real scene, excellent, especially considering you did all this in just 40 days.
    Maybe I missed it, but how did you create those typical metal plates on the ground?

    • Thanks @johnb.

      I got caught up in building and unfortunately didn’t post the diorama build in the WIP as I should have.

      The Marston Mats are from MiniArt and are a rather new release. Both sections were square, and I ended up cutting the one section to my needs. It felt more appealing to have it angled like that versus straight across.

      Here are a few pics:

      To paint the Mats, I first applied medium grey to the whole thing as well as a bit of brown, green, and orange using my airbrush. After the airbrushing step, I then applied acrylic paint washes to the mat in black, orange, brown, and red-orange. After this step I went back over with my airbrush to paint in the dirt which is going up on the mat from the sides. The last step I used dry powder pigments in brown, black, and grey.

      I’ve discovered applying numerous layers of different colors and different application methods adds to realism.

  12. The combination raises it to way more than the sum of the parts! Absolutely sensational. The builds, the details, the base. All top notch!

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