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Colin Latta
54 articles

Tamiya 1/48 HE-219A-7 'Uhu'

September 14, 2024 · in Aviation · · 17 · 234

This is 's HE-219 ''. Belts and rear cockpit details were added, as well as opening the wing and tail heater exhaust, detailing the wheel wells, adding brake lines, and opening up the torque links. Nav lights are colored Bingo chips! Painted with Tamiya acrylics, weathered with oils and pastels.

Painted with my 40 year old Aztek airbrush, 30% paint, 70% lacquer thinner.

I attempted to use the kit decals, some of which exploded on contact with water and were replaced with aftermarket, others had to be carefully masked and resprayed!

Thanks for looking,


Reader reactions:
14  Awesome 1 

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17 responses

  1. G’day Colin, she looks great. I’ve always thought this was a sleek and menacing looking aircraft. You have gotten the most out of it, for sure.

  2. Looks great Colin. I particularly like that you "got" the "cloud effect" camo.

  3. G’day Colin (@tail-dragon),
    Very sleek.
    It is great to see that you replicated the actual camouflage method and achieved a nicely consistent look, which is a challeng in itself.

  4. Really great work!

  5. Very impressive, especially the camo.

  6. Excellent result, Colin! Very nice painting!

  7. Outstanding paint job.

  8. Outstanding build, Colin @tail-dragon
    That's a lot of mottling you applied with this scheme, I like it a lot.

  9. Excellent build Colin. Perfect mottling looks so natural. Nice one 👍

  10. Thanks for looking?
    Thanks for posting! This is eye candy for me, especially with the great camo work on your Uhu.
    Beauty build on this great kit, Colin.

  11. Yep - that camo is amazing! I've been trying to figure out how to achieve that in 1/72 without losing my sanity!

  12. Excellent work - love the camo!

  13. Just outta curiosity... which Aztek do you use?

  14. Excellent paintwork, Colin. That reverse mottle is tough to get right.

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