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Rob Anderson
204 articles

What has Rob been building, the past....year?

September 12, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 12 · 185

Man I realized I was doing most of this build on FB and forgot my iModeler community! Long story short, my youngest daughter gave me a Sherman last October for my birthday, my granddaughter gave me a Tamiya Jeep for in January I dove in deciding I'd do a diorama. Months later and $$$ worth of figures buildings, C-rations, oil cans a luggage set and some pink carvable foam, here I am. I am painting figures currently. The building is an old Verlinden plaster molding that had photo etched gates. Debris was an ebay purchase, some guy sells bags of it for like...Hmmm $10 I think it was. Figures are MiniArt Alpine Miniatures a Panzer Art tanker and a generic ebay tanker, could be a copy, but I could not find one like it. I try and avoid "overseas" brands that make poor copies of other companies work. Foam was carved with a hobby knife, pencil and scribe. Damaged stonework was done by dripping Tamiya cement on the surface and letting it melt. Then the whole base was painted grey and individual stones were painted in various colors one at a time...very very tedious. Anyway I'll update more later!

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12 responses

  1. Looks great, Rob! That tanker figure is outstanding.

  2. Nice, great job. I like them all!

  3. Thanks again everyone. I'll be taking more pictures as I move along

  4. Coming along nicely, Rob. I like the figs and the small details. Looking forward to more...

  5. Fabulous work so far!

  6. Your doing fantastic work on this project !

  7. Good to see you hadn't fallen off the planet! Excellent work - the figure is especially well done.

  8. Looks awesome, Rob...can't wait to see the final version!

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