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Rafi Ben-Shahar
436 articles

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 B-25C Mitchell

October 29, 2024 · in Aviation · · 20 · 376

Vic Tatelman's Dirty Dora is perfectly rendered by . It so well molded that I did not expand the radius of engine cowls being afraid to spoil the build...

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4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Rafi, @blackmopane that is a very nice build. You did a great job on the decals, they were very much a challenge for me when I built this kit. Your blue looks like a close match to the pictures, I went a little bluer. I am never quite sure how accurate old color photographs are so that is why I went a little darker and bluer. All in all your build looks really good. I posted mine here 11 years ago.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

    • Thank you, Walt.
      Great build.

    • Wonderful modeling, Rafi, and I wish there were more photos to appreciate! Walt, many thanks for posting the period color photo and your also excellent build. I wonder if the original might not have used a slightly darker blue for the bat and a lighter shade for the cowls The comparison is very interesting as it also touches on a pet peeve of mine. There are always limits to making decal art: time, talent, the application used, &c. And it's likely Dirty Dora had repainting done during its service, what with the complexity of the basic design and all the mission markers. Nevertheless, when it's possible to compare the original and the decal side by side and at a very similar angle, you have to wonder how and why the decal artist made so many obvious deviations from the original artwork on the white outlines and text.

      • Thank you, Christopher.
        A professional modeler who lives of producing decal sheets once told me that there is often a difference between the colors submitted and colors produced and that quality control is difficult.
        My approach is to examine the contrast between the decals and paint before painting. I also avoid large decal sets. I had a fair share😉

  2. Nice build Rafi. I have an Accurate Miniatures Doolittle rade B-25 and have come to the same conclusion as you, it pretty accurately shaped. I can't wait to see what you post next, I love it all!

  3. I was friends with Vic over the last 15 years of his life (he was flying homebuilt helicopters in his 80s and was the last WW2 B-25 pilot to fly a B-25 when he flew "Barbie III" at airshows - a very amazing guy) and he loved the fact that "Dirty Dora" got this treatment. I'm pretty sure he would have liked this model a lot. I know I do.

  4. Beautiful work done on this Mitchell, Rafi @blackmopane
    The white lines around the blue, are those painted as well?

  5. Excellent "dirty Dora", Rafi! Fantastic job on the very good AM kit!

  6. My favorite twin engine aircraft, and a beautiful rendition of it. Gotta love those markings!

  7. Great result as usual. Love those AM Mitchells!

  8. What a beautiful build! Great job, you've really captured 'the look'. Subtle and just right.

  9. Awesome job! I have one I started and put back on the shelf after having problems with fit/finish with the wings. (probably me) I have another kit so will try parts substitution with that one.

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