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Ihor Matiukh
5 articles

Trumpeter 1/350 French battleship Richelieu

October 1, 2024 · in Ships · · 10 · 183

For your attention, the model of the French as of the beginning of 1944 after repair and large-scale modernization, in the USA. Used a set of etch and gun barrels from Flyhawk and a wooden deck. The ship's deck at that time was painted according to the then-standard scheme 22 of the US Navy in dark blue. But I did not bring the color of the deck to the color of scheme 22 because I like the wood texture more.

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15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Very nice Ihor (@matiukhiv). I'm attempting my first ship build and finding them quite challenging. You've done an excellent job on this one. I see you used the Flyhawk detail set. My experience with the Flyhawk details is that the instructions are very poorly done, with little to no text, and often no indication of what work needs to be done other than folding. How was your experience with the detail set?

    • Thank you Karl! As for the Flyhawk kit, it is quite complete and contains many parts made at a high technological level. Flyhawk tries to copy the Korean Pontos Model and Tetra Model Works kits. Some completely copy them. You are right - Flyhawk instructions are not complete and not informative, unlike competitors. As for me, I make up for the lack of information on assembly by browsing thematic forums of modelers. This is especially true for fans of the British and German fleets. Today, my country is waging a war with Russia and there are problems with logistics in my country. On the market you can buy only Chinese products and kits from Eastern Europe. The best kits for modeling in the 1/350 scale, I think, are Eduard, Pontos Model, Tetra Model Works.

  2. Amazing ship model build, with superb after-market details. The French battleship design plus US 40mm and US camo scheme is a great look. This model should have a special place in your house.

  3. Great build of this battle ship, Ihor @matiukhiv
    The camouflage on the sides is really nice, how did you create those parts with the fading from dark to light?
    Good idea to keep the wooden texture.

    • At the transition points I use MASKING putty - in the photo. Then I finish it with light paint.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  4. Very nicely accomplished, Ihor. The scheme and deck give it a great look.

  5. Great looking model! You did outstanding work on it.

  6. Amazing result, Ihor!

  7. Fantastic build of a great looking ship. These are amazing results, thank you for sharing this.


  8. I like a lot what you have down with the camouflage panels, they don't look like big blocks of uniform colour. Something for me to try to attempt in the future

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