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Bob Torres
71 articles

Matchbox 1/72 Northrop F-5A

November 5, 2024 · in Aviation · · 24 · 235

Matchbox Northrop PK-12 was first released in 1972. A simple and sharp looking kit that took the modeling world by storm, well for someone who was 13 years old back then. But to be honest, a lot of my paper route adult customers who built model kits back then sure loved them too, including my chemistry teacher.

A little history:
The was a supersonic fighter that combined low cost, ease of maintenance and great versatility. The U.S. Air Force procured more than 2,000 of these aircraft for use by allied nations. The F-5 first flew in July 1959, and was delivered to the Tactical Air Command for instructing foreign pilots which began in April 1964. Pilots from Iran and South Korea were the first to be trained in the F-5, followed by pilots from Norway, Greece, Taiwan, Spain and other Free World nations that adopted the F-5. A two-place combat trainer version, the F-5B, first flew in February 1964.

In October 1965, the USAF began a five-month combat evaluation of the F-5A titled Skoshi Tiger. A total of 12 aircraft were delivered for trials to the 4503rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, which combat tested the F-5 in Vietnam in 1965-1967. The 4503rd TFS later was re-designated the 10th Fighter (Commando) Squadron in March 1966. In October 1966 the 10th F(C)S began training South Vietnamese pilots to fly F-5s and later turned its aircraft over to the South Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) in June 1967.

The build:
This was a relaxed build I started this past December and when 2024 rolled in I put this build away for another time. Last week this came back to life and I got it done.

I gave this kit a few minor tweaks:
I made an instrument panel for the cockpit, the two air scoops for the rear top side of the fuselage and guns. Shimmed the big gap between the bottom of the rudder and the rear part of the fuselage. I used a broken end of a sewing needle for the pitot probe on the nose. The decals were missing so I used an old ESCI set. Painted in the Southeast Asia scheme.

I was not too happy with how the finish of the painting looked after I was done but once I let this go in my head it turned out just fine. So all and all a fun build!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 4 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. What a wonderful result from the beloved Matchbox kit, Bob!

  2. Excellent result, Bob @v1pro
    You clearly got the most out of this classic box.
    The tri-color scheme looks really good on it.

  3. You did a great job building & painting this oldie… I enjoy seeing classic kits like this brought to life here in the 21st century. The added scratch built parts are great attention to detail , I'm surprised Matchbox didn’t include those scoops.
    I’ve got an Airfix F-5A kit from 1979, I plan to paint it in the SEA scheme too.

    • Thank you Jay @ssgt. Matchbox kits do miss the little details on their kits. For me, I don't mind adding them while I am building them. On some of their kits, when dressed up properly they will look great!

  4. Matchbox kits were a revelation when they first came out - this brings back great memories - thank you Bob!@v1pro

    • Yes, it was a lot of fun seeing the first few rounds of their releases. I personally couldn't wait to order their Tempest Mk.VI/II and Me-262 when they first came out. And you are welcome David @davem!

  5. Hey Bob, I love it!

  6. OMGosh, that’s one kit I’d like to have again. I know I built at least two of the Matchbox F-5s as a kid.
    Great job on your Freedom Fighter, Bob. Looks great with the SEA camo.
    You made me look through my decal box and I did find a couple pieces and decals from my original kits. Thanks for stirring up the brain cells.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  7. Nice result, Bob! I remember building one of those in ‘73-‘74. It was molded in white and blue plastic.

    • Thank you John @j-healy. This kit was molded in the same colors. This is what made my chemistry teacher like about the Matchbox kits, their multi colors. That made him very happy because he hated painting the kits. In one Matchbox GP a couple of years ago a couple of the builders finished their builds without painting them. They did give it a nice gloss coat. I was amazed at how nice they looked.

      2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  8. Lovely build, Bob @v1pro. The Tiger is indeed a very elegant plane. Hard to believe Swiss Air Force still flies them over here.

  9. Lovely! The jettiest looking jet ever!

  10. Sweet looking build, Bob

  11. Excellent build, and another classic brought to life at the Torres shop!

  12. It built up nicely! Amazing that the old ESCI decals still worked.

    • Thank you, Robert @roofrat! The tail's serial number and USAF decal disintegrated. After that happened I had to brush on some of Micrscale Decal Maker which saved the rest of the decals for this build. I then made the tail decals from taking bits and pieces from an old Monogram F-4 decal sheet.

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