1:48 Scale, Tamiya, P-47D-6-Re, "Thunderbolt"

January 5, 2025 · in Uncategorized · · 22 · 347

Happy New Year, iModelers!

Hoping everyone survived the new year as painlessly as possible. I'm calling this one as DONE, and my first for 2025.

I was originally going to build this kit as an OOB project. Once I decided on which markings I would use, I had to modify the cowl flaps to the early straight edged configuration. This was done by filling in the little indent with plastic card, some Perfect Putty, sanding sticks and a re-scribing tool. I know there is a Quickbooks part that is supposed to make this an easy drop in solution buy, the Quickboost part just don't fit. It's too small. Other than that, enough has already been written about 's P-47D 'Razorback', so I won't continue with anymore pontification on the subject. Suffice to say, it's a really GOOD kit that builds well and looks the part.

I used a combination of custom mixed Tamiya Acrylics and Vallejo Air Acrylics. I also did a fair amount of weathering by adding lightened versions of the base coats to random spots to help with the weathering.

Decals were by Superscale plus some from the kit. The 'Checker Nose' decals were donated from the other Tamiya P-47D 'Bubbletop'.

Weathering was done using Flory Washes, thinned oils, pastel chalks and AK Weathering Pencils. I also used stretched sprue for the antenna aerial.

Markings are for the P-47D, flown by Capt. Quince Lucian Brown Jr., 84th Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, Duxford England, during April and May 1944. Brown was credited with the destruction of thirteen enemy aircraft in the air and one on the ground before he was KIA on 6 September 1944.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 4 

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Frederick (@fjs3),
    I really like the header photo, you have captured the spirit and charter of the P-47. Tamiya's legacy kit gets modeled frequently and is the standard comfort model. On the other hand making a standard kit . . . doing it such away that you own it and make it separate from the crowd makes it special.

  2. Excellent result, Frederick!
    Happy 2025!

  3. A very nice Jug! You got those cowl decals to conform nicely - not always an easy task! Well done.

  4. Fantastic job!

  5. That's a wonderful start of 2025, Fredrick @fjs3
    Really nice result on this build.
    Happy New Year.

  6. Excellent P-47, Frederick.

  7. Wonderful Jug. You nailed the nose decal.

  8. G’day Frederick (@fjs3),
    Beautifully done.
    I have the kit and decals to build this one day.

  9. That is a wonderful rendition of Brown’s aircraft. Did the Superscale instructions indicate the star & bar under both wings?

    • Thanks Russell!
      Yes they did and they provided the enlarged US insignia for the lower portion of the wing. The sheet I used was 48-879, which is a more complete sheet that the earlier release.

  10. Great work, making it look real that’s what it’s all about!

  11. Well done, Frederick

  12. Beautifully done. I think an oliva drab Razorback is my favorite WW2 aircraft. Well, one of them, anyway...

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