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Djordje Colovic
57 articles

Random Award

February 4, 2019 · in News · · 12 · 1.7K

I was chosen as a random award winner for november for my entry with Caproni Ca.310 Libeccio, I'm grateful for the lovely model which I've chosen as a award; It is Airfix's Ju87B-1 STUKA in 1/48 scale which would be somehow strange to build because I will build it as a plane which fought in a Spanish civil war 🙂 My package arrived late because of many holidays in Serbia, we celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January, than we have many others feasts and holidays, and finally my award landed on my work table 🙂

Many thanks to great Imodeler team and to all members of this fantastic site!

Cheers and happy modelling!

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

12 responses

  1. Congratulations on the award...looks like you could use a bigger work table though - 🙂

    • Thank You very much! Currently I'm using one more work table but I have trouble with stashes and place for models themselves 🙂 Sometimes it feels like I'm working in some kind of warehouse 🙂

  2. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Djordje … that is a well deserved prize … hope to see it soon in the forum.

  3. Congratulations Djordje, well deserved prize. Looking forward to your build reports on this one.

  4. Nice choice Djordje, and congratulations.

  5. Congrats Djordje,
    Regards, Dirk

  6. Congratulations Djordje!

  7. Čestitam Djordje, lepa Štuka.
    Sve najbolje!

  8. Congratulations, Djordje !

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