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Mervyn Cook
7 articles

Classic Airframes 1/48 Bristol Blenheim I

December 4, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.6K

I like this aircraft and have built it c1938. The kit however is challenging, it had an injection canopy which took some fitting, managed to get it on then realised I hadn't fitted several interior parts! Doh! The kit decals are excellent but for a pre-war bird I needed after market sheet by Eagle Strike, also top quality. The wings are just a butt fit but they worked out fine, the big problem is the wheel bay inserts, I sanded right through the roof to get them in. I'm guessing the kit is much easier, and to my failing eyes, looks better too. Sorry about the poor photos.

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10 responses

  1. Nice work on a difficult kit. The markings you chose are the same I'm going to use when I do the Airfix kit.

  2. very dale said classics can be a pain sometimes

  3. Beautiful work on one of the most difficult kits I ever encountered.

    Your guess about the Airfix kit is correct, sir! 🙂

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