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Matt Minnichsoffer
30 articles

1:32 Trumpeter TBF Avenger

July 18, 2020 · in Aviation · · 14 · 4.2K

About a year ago I added a 1:32 to my stash thinking it would be something I worked on in the long dark days of winter. It's a huge carrier-based bird and I wanted to build one. Then the virus & quarantine hit and my wife said, “have you seen this video of Chuck dancing?” Now, I'm not a social media guy so the obvious answer was…”No, what is it?” So she sent me the Link.

I had just finished my first COVID-19 build (B-25) and was looking for something to fill the hours before the weather got nice. And light bulb! Ok Matt, build a TBF that Chuck flew to honor his service.

A Little Background

ENS Charles “Chuck” Franzke is my sister-in-law's father-in-law. I know that's a mouthful, but he's my brother-in-law's father. I've met Chuck a couple of times at family reunions but it's been about a decade since I last spoke with him. So I reached out to my sister-in-law to see if I could speak with him about the TBF/TMB Avengers he flew during his time on the USS Saginaw Bay (CVE-82) and flew as part of both squadron VC-78 & VC-88. I wanted to get the markings correct, and any other tidbits he could pass on.

Chuck was very gracious when we spoke. When I say we, it was Chuck, Bev (his wife) and myself, as his hearing is not great and Bev helps answer some questions since she is well-versed in Chuck's military history. They are both a lot of fun and act like people in their 70s vs. 90s.

Chuck & Bev during the war and today

While he couldn't remember exactly the markings on the planes (“Matt, I'm 97, I don't remember those details!”), he did share with me that his flying was mostly about keeping shipping lanes open and safe. They didn't have specific planes like some of the ground-based Army Air Corp pilots. They flew whatever was ready and waiting on the deck. Chuck has spent a great deal of time in his retirement working with the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight organization flying veterans to memorials, and on Memorial Day 2019 got the opportunity to take a ride in a restored Avenger.

ENS Charles “Chuck” Franzke during Navy flight training

If interested, here's a great oral history by Chuck recorded in 2013.

The Build

I wasn't able to find any photos for reference of VC-78, but did find some for VC-88 along with a deck operations video showing the double lightning bolt tail markings, so I opted to build this TBF/ with the early 1945 markings. This is a real good kit, but I wish two things: 1. The wings wouldn't sag so much when they are in the flying position without glueing them in place. I glued mine solid in the flight position even though they were never in position on the deck. If you watch the YouTube video, the pilots folded them as soon as they hit the deck. 2. That annoying attachment struggle of the antenna mast. Of all the things that they skimped on, that could have been thought through better. Mine has a bit of a slant to it, but so it goes. Other than that there's not much to elaborate on the build that hasn't been covered many times before. This one's for you, Chuck, and all the flyers out there. Keep building friends.
Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Beaitiful model. Not too worn, love the weathering and paint job.

    Have Chuck seen the model, if so...what did he say?

  2. Matt, Great story. Its wonderful to build somebody's aircraft.
    Your build looks great, very nice detail and not very much weathering as aircraft on ships would look like.

  3. I think the story or a great story is what really inspires and gives a modeler an appreciation for what people went through (sacrifices) to give us freedom and democracy. The "Greatest Generation" gave so much...great model. How can you not like a love story too. Thank you for sharing Matt.

    Two thumbs up.

  4. Great background story. Really like the subtle weathering on the airframe.

  5. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Matt, thank you for this inspirational story. Stephen is right, that background is what gives this build character and a very strong meaning. It is what gives the viewer the chance too use their imagination and see it in their mind in real time.
    This is one model I have in my list too buy, I was always captivated by the Avengers design, ever since building a few of the ones made by Monogram way back then.
    Thank you for sharing the photos.

  6. What a beautiful build and story, Matt.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Those backgrounds makes a model alive.

  7. This is a wonderful build, Matt.
    Got the same kit to build. I wish I had the same story!

  8. Love the story, and your model is an awesome salute to Chuck, a deserving vet. ALL good.

  9. A fine tribute ,story and build.

  10. Matt, @coondog
    What a remarkable story ! This is a very special build, and you nailed it buddy... It's not too often, (especially now), that we get to spend time with the "Greatest Generation". Sadly their numbers are dwindling on a daily basis, and Father Time is something that none of us can evade.

    Thank you very much for posting this wonderful story for all of us to read and enjoy. The Avenger is nothing less than spectacular. To me it is a Goldie Locks build... Just right !

    Somehow this one had slipped under the radar, and I missed it when it was in the headlines. Please accept my apologies for that.

    Two thumbs up and a great big "liked" !

  11. A great-looking Avenger! Love it.

  12. That big Trumpeter kit as really good, but it is equally easy to get really frustrated over that wingfold. I don't remember how much sheet plastic I used inside that wing, but it still sagged eventually.

    Excellent result overall. Great paint job.

  13. Hi Matt, your Avenger looks great. The job on weathering and paint is really good.
    Your story is greater.
    Have a good one

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